Chapter 37 Happy ending

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Six years went by after the battle against Splinter, Shen and Saki have been spending there time together with the turtles as often as they could, the three girls who were Splinter's daughters were sent to Japan for their punishment, Mona went back to her home planet with the promise to never return to earth, Casey, with Shinigami and Slash were given a proper grave... None of them deserved to die that day and so a grave was made for them, April and the other three mutants were trained in the Foot clan while the others who battled for Splinter were set free.

But Jas on the other hand... Wasn't so lucky, she was thrown into a wall and it caused her bones to break, no one knew how long it would take for them to heal or even if she can go back to a normal life of walking and even holding things in her arms or hands "Wake up soon for me dear, I wish you could see what I see" Leo whispered, Jas was in a bed that was under a cherry blossom tree, he had moved her to Japan so to be a bit safer there as she heals while keeping contact with his family who was also worried for her as healers from all over Japan come to try and help her heal and wake up.

"Master Leonardo, another healer has arrive" a ninja said, Leo sighed as he nodded, for the past week people have come claiming to be healers... But were scientists or fake healers who wanted money or DNA from her "Hello Leonardo" he looked up in shock at the man who claims to be a healer spoke "When did you come here?" Leo asked as the healer walked over "I was in Africa when I heard of the news in Japan, I came in order to help" the man said making Leo slowly nod and walk to the room Jas was sleeping in at the moment making the healer who spotted her look at her with pain and sorrow in his eyes "I shall get to work then" he said and walked towards her as Leo watched.

Donnie was looking at a few things on the computer that would tell him of some results on the mutagen, he had also been waiting for an email of some sort from Leo to tell him an update on how things were going at the moment "Uncle?" he turned to see Rose there, she was slightly sad when she was told that her parents had left for Japan but not the reason why "Did papa or mama send something yet?" she asked as he walked over to her "Not yet sweetie, but i'm sure you'll get something soon" he said making her nod as her uncle Mikey called for her with the claims of a surprise for her.

As he got back to work... He then heard Rose scream in joy making him run to where she was to see her... Being held... By Jasmine fully awake with Leo right beside her making him smile as Raph, Saki and Shen arrived to see this, they all walked to the dojo to talk a bit as they were all shocked at the fact that Jas was now awake and able to move around like before "How are you healed?" Donnie asked making Jas turn to Leo who knew what happened "Nagi came" he said simply making Saki's eyes widen at the news "Where was he?" he asked making Leo look at him "In Africa, then he heard about Jas and decided to come to help" he explained making Jas smile making them all do the same.

Once they were done talking, Leo took Jas to there room as Rose went to her room to take a nap like she needed at the moment to take "At least we're home" she said making Leo smile as he held her close "Yeah, now we can truly be a happy family" he said in a whisper as Jas watched as he slowly went to sleep making her smile, after a few days Jas was walking around the place a bit as Leo took care of Rose for a bit making her smile when she saw them at times as she walked by to see them playing a bit "You seem distracted" she looked over to see Tang Shen walking over to her.

"I was just thinking about Leo and Rose" she said making Shen nod in understanding at her words at the moment "I see, would you care to walk with me for a bit?" Shen asked making Jas nod and follow her for a bit, the two spoke a bit as Leo then went looking for her so she had her turn bonding with Rose at the moment "Mikey have you seen Jas?" Leo asked as he peeked into the kitchen where his brother was often making something to eat for everyone "Sorry Leo, I haven't sadly. Maybe go see Raph, he might know where she went" Mikey suggested making Leo nod as he took his daughter to see his next brother "Hey Raph? Did you see Jas?" he asked as he looked into the dojo to see Raph training with Saki "Nope sorry bro, Donnie has the security at the moment to see how there going so he has the better chance" Raph said making Leo nod.

"Tell me about your father" Shen suggested as she and Jas were in a little garden in the base "He was... Brutal with me, he never showed he loved me like he cared for my sisters. It was hard for me to have a meal since they make me work and clean the lair up all the time so I never ate" Jas explained making Shen look at her with a sad face "I wish we had saved you before you had suffered" Shen said making Jas smile to her as Shen then pulled her in for a hug as Leo came in with Rose to see the happy scene "Let's wait for your mother to have her time with your grandmother" Leo said making Rose nod as the two left the garden to wait for Jas to come out a little later "Want to take a nap?" Jas turned to Leo's question and simply nod as they had Rose between them as they all slept in bed.

The end!

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