Chapter 34 A bunch of mutants?

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When the smoke cleared, they were confused at the giant turtle standing before them, Leo knew who it was from his surprise attack when he came back to the city, he could tell that this turtle was happy to see him again for he smirked the moment his eyes landed on the blue banded turtle "Well hello again blue. I see we get to fight once more... To the death" the turtle said as then a lizard, an alligator and a chimp came into battle and the four vs four fight began as Jas worked to help April to keep safe as Karai found them a place to hide at.

"We should be alright here" Karai said making Jas nod to her, the got April to be in a sitting position as Jas went to make sure the wound was well wrapped at the moment before relaxing and looking towards the battle, she saw that the lizard was down so Mikey had moved to help Raph with the alligator at the moment making her hope it would go well as the chimp went down moments later so Donnie went to help Leo against the giant turtle "Leo... Win" Jas said as April tried to look at what was going on at the moment "Don't worry, Leatherhead can be defeated if you rub him somewhere while Slash has an awful temper" April whispered making Jas look at her in slight shock.

The fact that April knew all of this must meant she knew the whole plan of the place and where everyone was and there weakness making her turn to Karai who nodded, she handed Rose and then went into the battle "Hey snappy! Can't fight alone so you get your lackey's to do it for you?" she asked making Slash turn to glare at her just as Donnie went to help his two brother's at the moment "Looks like that to me with how you need another big guy to help" she continued making him growl at her as she stomped towards Karai in anger to then kill her quickly to get it over with "You wanna die human?" he asked making her smirk "I'm just saying that if you really were strong... You wouldn't need three mutants to help" she said making him growl.

Slash was getting slowly angered at each thing the girl spoke, he really wanted to kill her and he had no reason not to since he already had to keep the turtles here until Splinter can kill the clan making him think about this since there was no order of killing them, he turned to see that Leatherhead was now on the ground knocked out making him see that he was now alone in all of this "Well then, you should now be able to see if i'm strong enough or not" he said making the turtles move next to Karai... But then he coughed and was slowly having a hard time to breath as he crumbled to his knees.

They were confused, but when his head slowly went to the ground they saw Jas behind him "Poison... I make" she said making Leo slowly move closer "What does it do?" he asked as she walked over to his side "No breathing... Pain... Like fire... Bones... Breaking in him... Death" she said making Donnie put the pieces together "He won't be able to breath and slowly, pain will course throughout his body like it was on fire and as he feels like his bones are breaking before he dies" he explained making Jas nod to his answer "Grab April and then will move, we have more time then before now with how quickly the battle went... Jas if there is another one... Please take care of it" Leo requested making her nod.

They got off the roof and began to walk on foot, April had began to walk on her own to help them around the place as thanks to her... They had avoided two battles (Pigeon Pete and Sir Malachi) as they were a waste of time "We should rest here, your next battle is soon and it wouldn't be possible to avoid, Mona Lisa will make sure of that" April said as they all sat down and began to eat "What can you say about her?" Leo asked "Her real name is Y'Gythgba, she is of another planet in space and is like a lizard, she is a powerful warrior and she fights well with honor, if you can make her see her actions are not honorable then she will surrender and leave for her home" April explained making them nod.

"But how do we do that? Jas can't talk well, there are more chances that this lizard will think her words are insults or something to make her push harder in battle" Donnie explained making Mikey turn to Jas with a smile making her look at him confused "Maybe we could talk for her? Push her to continue while talking to Mona Lisa?" Raph suggested as Karai and Leo shake their head no "It needs to be Jas who says it... She's the one who will fight her so it must be coming from her mouth, if we talk she will only ignore it" Leo explained as Karai nodded "It would be like were trying to have her spare Jas because she's weak" Karai said.

"She can do it" they turned to Mikey as she turned from Jas "She can talk to her" he continued making them look at her confused "Mikey, has been helping me to talk" she said making there eyes widen at the full sentence she had just spoken to them "How long?" Leo asked "We started about two days after you left" Mikey explained "I wanted to keep her busy in a way so this was my idea" he continued making Leo nod and smile towards Jas at how happy he was at the moment for how well she was talking at the moment making her smile in return before they turned to see a figure of a lizard walking towards them slowly.

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