Chapter 26 Her first weapon

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The next few weeks were hard, the fact that Hamato Yoshi had tried once more to reclaim Jasmine they now had to train so to all be ready for his return in any sort of way possible, Jas was working hard with Raph to get stronger with the help of Mikey and Donnie in keeping her healthy as there were times when Saki would take over her training and it would really push her enough that when Leo would see her it would be with a part of her body off the bed as she slept covered in sweat and some bruises forming slowly.

The fact that she was trying so hard to get stronger to fight on her own against the people who did her harm all this time made Leo feel proud of her as he would then care for her as she slept, simply wrapping the bruises and then helping her get into bed as he would dry off some of the sweat on her body before he would go to his own training and then get something to eat from the kitchen that Mikey had made, but even his training was hard as he wanted to get better quickly so he could get back to his usual work making Jas when she's awake begin to panic for his health as she worked on caring for him.

Donnie had asked to examine Jas three weeks after there sexual act, but it was discovered that she wasn't carrying a child at the moment "While you are both half human, you're not the same specie of mutant animal. So the chances of a child is quite slim for you like a man who could be set as sterile with the lack of activity with his sperm" he had explained, because of this he made it to give medication to Jas to help her enter her heat sooner so they could have a slightly bigger chance of them having a child of their own, but this time once the deed was done Jas could no longer have sex until three weeks had passed and Donnie had given them the results from there activity.

It took them a month before they tried again, there training was hard on them so they had less time to try as they needed to rest, but when Donnie saw how tired they were and the fact that Jas had yet to take the medication to try he got everyone to let them rest for a while so they could try to conceive a child together, the few moments after Jas took the pill... Her heat came in an instant making Leo quickly move to get her pregnant from his seed, he had done it many times until the early morning, when Jas woke up it was to see a note from Leo who had gone to training and had told her to rest for the next three weeks just to be on the safe side making her do as asked from him.

Three weeks had gone by and the two were now waiting for the results, Jas was nervous at the moment but Leo stayed at her side just to be safe "Well, it looks like I was right. If you want a child just make sure Jas takes a pill and then she should rest because your going to be expecting a child" Donnie claimed making Jas smile as Leo hugged her "But this means no more training Jas, you can do some katas but the training needs to be light. Once you start showing katas will be the only thing you can do and then no more and it will be bed rest for the last two months" Donnie explained making Jas nod in understanding to his demands as Leo got her to stand "Why don't you go to the kitchen to eat something, i'll be there in a bit" he said making her nod and walk out.

"What are the chances that the baby doesn't make it?" he asked the moment she was out of the room and far from the hall "As long as there is no stress, smoke, alcohol or any hard blows to her stomach the baby will be fine" Donnie explained making Leo nod, Jas was just about to get into the kitchen when Saki came to view "Come with me, I wish to give you something" he said making her nod and then follow after him as Mikey watched them from the kitchen, when Leo and Donnie came in the kitchen, they were both surprised that Jas wasn't there "Where's Jas?" Leo asked just as Raph came in "Sensei wanted to give her something" Mikey said as Leo turned to Donnie and the two then ran out to find her.

"I have always wanted children after Karai, but when Tang Shen went to a coma, I felt that dream was taken from me. But then you came in and I felt like you were a daughter to me" Saki explained, Jas was seated before him in the private dojo his sons use "I have for you the  Kyoketshu-Shogei, it is the perfect weapon for you to use in battle and i'm sure you will be able to use it well" Saki said as he handed to her the weapon, she gently moved it in her hands as she looked it over "Thank you!" she said with a large smile just as Leo and Don ran into the room to see her holding the weapon, Leo moved to her side and sat to then explain to Saki that she wouldn't be able to train as much as before because she was carrying a child at the moment, Saki was more than happy to stop training her so she could rest more for the child as long as he would get to see the child once born.

Everyone was happy at the news, Leo told Mikey Raph of the news making Mikey quickly work on making a cake and something a bit more light and healthy for Jas to eat for the baby with the promise of looking recipes later on for her to eat for the baby to be healthy and strong, the five celebrated until Leo claimed Jas needed some rest making Donnie then tell Mikey and Raph what they should and shouldn't do around Jas for the sake of the growing child inside of her "Once we know the gender, we will work together on some names" he said making Jas smile and nod as he held her in his arms while in bed at the moment as she then went to sleep.

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