Chapter 7 Emotions in the art

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"Follow me were going to the dojo for a bit" he said making Jasmine stand up and follow him quickly, she didn't really understand what was going on but she hoped that she didn't do anything wrong to get her punished at the moment as she tried to look around for a way to show she was good as Leonardo noticed "It's alright, my brother's and I didn't get to train much yesterday" he explained making her then understand what was truly going on, when they got in she saw the three other turtle's already getting ready but on the side was a girl with short black hair wearing a kimono making her wonder what was with the boxes and paper at her side as she moved to sit slightly away from her as she watched the four train together while the girl got pencils out from the boxes making Jasmine wonder what the lady was going to do with them.

"Why don't we try to talk by drawings?" she asked as she handed Jasmine the paper and pencils as something clicked into her mind as she nodded slightly, she took a black pencil in hand and waited to be spoken to "May I know where you live?" she first asked as then Jasmine kept still, Karai knew there were chances that she would keep it to herself and was about to change the subject but Jasmine then began to draw making Karai watch her work slowly on making a manhole cover and then a huge lair pointing the manhole cover "You live in the sewers?" she asked as Jasmine nodded and then went to drawing the three other girls and her rat sensei Splinter or Hamato Yoshi making Karai observe.

"How are you treated there?" Karai then asked making Jasmine draw each of the girls harming her in different ways, one would hit her, another would say things to her and the last one would throw things at her that injured her while the rat sensei would do nothing at all to help, Karai watched her work and was amazed at how good Jasmine was in drawing for she was able to understand what she was trying to tell her at the moment "What about when the boys found you?" she then asked as she made herself with the three girls and the green house, she then drew a few kinds of plants, herbs and flowers to try and make her understand "You needed them?" she then asked making Jasmine nod as she tried to draw out what they were mainly for with drawing someone who had a fever, stomach bug and poison.

Karai kept asking questions to Jasmine and she would draw her answers out making Karai understand what she being told, at times Jasmine would draw something she had seen when she couldn't remember after drawing the leader injecting her or placing a headgear on her head that shocks her making Karai believe that the injections and headgear made her loose certain parts of her memories that happen at a recent time, she wanted to help but then Jasmine started to draw more and this time it was when the boys were training in front of her for the first time, when she met Venus, when she baked with Michelangelo and when Leonardo tried to see if she could read and write "What about, your favorite thing to do? Like a good memory you never forgot?" Karai asked making Jasmine think for a moment as she then began to draw once more.

Karai watched as slowly forms were created by the pencils Jasmine would select and slowly started to add a few things to make faces and a scenery making Karai then understand a bit more about what she was drawing, she slowly drew herself as Raphael carried her with Leonardo placing his coat over her shoulders with later on Michelangelo lending her his scarf and lastly Raphael his gloves making her smile as how much details she was putting into the drawing she was making of each of them and what they had done for them, it amazed her how well Jasmine could draw and it made her wonder what other things she could do as Jasmine then went to drawing the boys while they trained in front of them making Karai smile at the half breed as she worked on her art while at times looking up to see what they were doing and then going back to her work.

She then slowly drew something, it was strange to Karai for Jasmine was using blue pencils to make something but each time she made a line Karai couldn't understand on what it was at the moment slowly she started to understand that Jasmine was drawing a blue flower with many details by using all kinds of shades of blue from the pencils making Karai wonder how many tricks Jasmine knew other then that one as Jasmine then took green and yellow pencils to continue with her drawing as Karai wondered what she was up to she then understood it was to make the stalk of the flower in the green and the yellows were to add another color to the flower making her look at it in amazement as Jasmine then handed the drawing to her "For me?" she asked as Jasmine simply looked at her, Karai wondered if something was wrong with Jasmine for a moment before the half breed opened her mouth.

"Ah" she said making Karai wonder what she was trying to do, but it was all Jasmine could say a simple sound making Karai understand that it had been some time since Jasmine last spoke so she needed time to talk once more, even so Karai was happy for she had gotten a small sound from Jasmine and was able to talk to her by drawing what she wanted to say making it easy for them at the moment "Is everything alright?" Leonardo asked as he and his brother's came over and saw the many drawings Jasmine had made to explain things "There her way of communication for now by drawing what she want's to say to us" Karai explained as Jasmine went to work on drawing a cupcake that she and Michelangelo had decorated and then herself eating it with question marks around "I'll go see if it wasn't taken!" Michelangelo said as he ran out of the dojo and came back with the cupcake in question and a few more making them eat together.

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