Chapter 33 Demon girl Shinigami

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The figure slowly walked out of the shadow, she was tall and looked almost like a demon as she smirked evil like towards them with her gold eyes "You won't need to worry April" the girl said "I will take care of them so that you can then take the credit" the girl then said as April gasped as Jas went to work on saving her life at the moment as Karai tried to get Rose to sleep at the moment, Leo glared as Donnie wasn't sure on if he should help his brother's or help Jas to save April's life.

"Go and help her" he turned to Leo who nodded, Donnie flopped down to her side and began to help her as best he could "I am Shinigami, and I am here to end you all" Shinigami said making them get ready as she charged at them, Leo knew that this wouldn't end well making him need to kill her at the moment but first he needed to weaken her and have one of his brother's or himself kill her after "Hurry Mikey!!" he yelled making Mikey wrap her in his chain making Shinigami gasp as he weapon falls to the ground.

"You can't defeat us all!!! We will always be around in a corner getting ready to battle you!!" Shinigami yelled with a wild smile "Once you beat someone, another will be around the corner to be next... And soon you will be weak and tired, which then will make you unable to stop someone from taking the girl back to master Splinter where she belongs as he will punish her for not returning from the start" she continued as Raph growls at her as Jas shrunk down in fear making Karai move to give her with Rose some comfort as best they could as she works with Donnie to save April.

"Your insane, Jas would only want to stay with us as she hates the slave life he gave her!!! Better yet he's nothing but a monster to her with his other three crazy daughter's he raises!!" Mikey yelled making Leo nod and Raph smirk as Shinigami glared at them as she growled and yelled in anger at how stuck she was at the moment as she then tried to grab her weapon while trying to get out of the damn chain as quickly as she could without being spotted in her act making Leo the one to see as she freed herself making his eyes widen as she grabbed her weapon.

And she ran towards Jas "NO!!" he yelled making Mikey run to pin her to the ground as best he could at the moment as Jas ran with Donnie who carried April and Karai right behind them with Rose in her arms towards the car where they could be safe at the moment, she yelled and yelled as she demands to be let go so she could kill Jasmine making Leo and Raph move towards Mikey as Leo helped him to grab her "It won't be over!!! Until she is dead on the ground none of this will be over for anyone of you in this city!!!" she screamed making Raph glare and growl at her cruel and disgusting words towards the one who was making his brother happy.

She grunts and struggles to get out of it but Raph quickly moved and stabbed her heart which killed her in an instant "Let's move now, Donnie please make sure April is alright as we move" Leo said making Donnie nod as he had Raph help him as they try to find a safe place to stay in for a bit to save April at the moment making Jas watch them as she also looked around the place as she worried about something bad maybe going to happen to them at some point making Mikey move to squeeze her hand gently making Jas then smile and nod.

Once they got ten minutes away from Shinigami and a few blocks closer to the clan and family, they all then decided to stop to rest a bit, so Donnie and Jas could save April at the moment as they needed her to help them at the moment quickly to get to the docks "We just need to get on higher grounds, by doing this we then have a better chance at being safe, seeing where we are and knowing where the enemy is without them knowing our location" Mikey explained making Leo nod to the plan before looking around quickly from where he was of there location "There's a ladder over there, we climb to the roof there and we could see where we are" Leo said making them nod to the plan.

It was the best plan they had at the moment, so with that they watched Jas and Donnie work on April "How is she?" Leo asked making Karai the one to answer "They need to stitch up the wound, she will be in pain from this but it's the best at the moment to keep her from dying from blood loss or infection at the moment" she explained making Leo nod as he watched Jas work at the moment, he smiled just as she turned to him which caused her ears to twitch and smile as she went back to work in helping Donnie to save April "Once done, will be moving to the roof to get around, it's the best we have at the moment" he explained making them nod as he went back to Mikey and Raph

April woke up just as Donnie got her on his shell, she was a bit surprised but it was going to be like this until there next battle or until they get to where they need to go, she then noticed where they were going making her try to get Donnie's attention to tell him something that would be important to keep them all alive at the moment... But he didn't react for he thought she was simply moving in her sleep, but Jas heard and she turned as April mumbled what she wanted to say "LEO!!! TRAP!!!" Jas yelled as smoke bombs went off around them hiding their view from where they needed to go next.

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