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Jimin's POV
jin hyung and i decided to stay in the building and talk to (y/n)'s manager. we discussed a potential collaboration between us and rebelle and it was going very well until jungkook walked to us.

"i can't do this. she's so annoying and her voice is just disgusting, it makes me want to throw up. she talks so much about herself, like i even asked in the first place.", jungkook spoke recklessly, obviously not recognizing her manager was in front of us.

"well.. i suggest you take that up with a producer. i know (y/n) is very excited about being on the show with you, despite your very rude and childish attitude. now if you'll excuse me, i should be on my way back to the company.", her manager left us and jungkook just rolled his eyes.

i looked over at jin hyung and he just looked beyond angry with jungkook.

"go ahead quit the show. i'm sure jimin will be a way better husband to her anyways. they both look nice together, don't you think? go talk to her jimin-ah, you're her new husband after all.", i knew jin hyung's tricks and just went along with it.

i nodded, then walked back to the conference room where i found her.

"i'm sorry..", i spoke and her head shot up in surprise.

"j-jimin.. i thought you left..", she spoke softly.

"jin hyung and i were taking care of some business when we ran into jungkook. he told us some not so great stuff and i came to check up on you.", i said, walking over and sitting back in the chair next to her.

though it wasn't my place to, i pulled her in for a tight hug.

"he just holds grudges against girls.. especially idol girls.. he'll tell you the story once he starts getting a bit comfortable around you. just wait it out with him, okay?", i asked, really wanting them to work out both on the show and in real life.

(y/n) nodded, but she pulled away from the hug once the door open again... it was jungkook. he looked angry and he had his fists clenched.

he said nothing, he just grabbed (y/n)'s wrist and dragged her out of the room.

well, i guess jin hyung's plan was a success.

Your POV
your head shot up at the door opening yet again, but this time it was the person you actually wanted to see the first time.

you pulled away from jimin's warm hug and just stared at the boy at the door. your eyes stayed on him the whole time.

you were surprised when he took your wrist and dragged you out of the room.

"don't hug other guys. people will suspect shit and that can't happen with the show.", he spoke seriously and you just nodded.

you had no idea where he was taking you, but you had an obvious blush on your face from his grip on your wrist.

once you both were outside and in the public, his mood completely changed. he put his face mask back on, but he actually held your hand. like intertwined fingers and everything.

you looked down at your hand, shocked that this was actually happening. you had a feeling it was just because you were in the public eye, but it still gave you butterflies in your stomach.

he led you to a starbucks of all places, the most popular and the busiest coffee shop ever.

'why did he take me here? there are so many people and stuff, we'll get recognized.', you thought to yourself.

we got married // j.jk x reader // completedWhere stories live. Discover now