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Your POV
you let out a breath of relief once you saw your four group members walk casually out of the dorm complex and towards the parked van. you had hoped everything had gone right, i mean your career was basically depending on your group members lying their asses off.

"so how'd it go? any suspicions?" you asked, tapping your foot to get rid of the remaining nerves which were still circulating throughout your body.

"uhm- amazing! yeah, they totally fell for it, you know how gullible those guys are," soobin nodded and smiled, though somehow you weren't convinced.

you gave her, and the remaining three, a suspecting look but shook off the feeling, completely trusting your groupmates.

you sat back in your seat and felt your body completely relax for the first time all day. the van began moving, heading towards the recording studio/practice room since you five had to prepare for your next comeback.

the fall season was moving towards winter by now and Starship felt that a Christmas album needed to be made; though Rebelle wasn't necessarily the girliest or softest group on the market.

you looked out the window and stared at the almost bare trees, watching as the final red, yellow, and brown leaves fell from the long branches. you sighed, feeling empty just like how you imagine those trees feel without their branches. however, you shook the sadness away and tried your best to smile.

jungkook is just one boy in a world of millions, right now your newly starting career was what was important and not even love could change your mind. this was what's best for your career and if things were meant to be then they'll work themselves out.

Jungkook's POV
as jimin hyung walked the girls out, my room door swung open to reveal the furious and disappointed faces of my group mates.

"what the hell was that back there?!" yoongi hyung yelled, his anger the most obvious out of the others.

i'll admit, what i said was a little out of line but if it really was true then i was obviously doing everyone a favor by calling the girls out.

"you can't tell me that you didn't see the looks on the girls' faces! they looked guilty, like they were hiding something! i was just pointing out the obvious back there," i was quick to defend myself, but that just sparked a big argument among the six of us.

we were all in the middle of a heated back-and-forth battle when my bedroom door slammed and jimin walked in, all eyes were immediately on him and the room went dead silent.

"jungkook was right, they were hiding something. however it's not what any of you think," he began, and a look of complete and utter confusion graced the faces of everyone in the room besides jimin.

"basically, (y/n) is banned from ever speaking to kook again. her label doesn't want negative press and hate now, especially since they're making that big Christmas comeback. so, they threatened her. it was either jungkook or her job, and obviously we all know which one she picked. so, chill the fuck out and let's talk about how we're going to fix the mess jungkook just made; starting with eunji," he spoke rationally, earning playful applause from taehyung which quickly lightened the mood in the room.

i just stared at jimin hyung with wide eyes, complete disbelief written all over my face.

"so you're telling me that she didn't stand me up. she actually likes me and she wanted to go, but she chose to save her job instead?" i questioned and everyone groaned at what i'm guessing was my ignorance.

"yes you idiot! she's liked you ever since we all first met rebelle back when we were promoting fire!" jin hyung smacked the back of my head and rolled his eyes.

we got married // j.jk x reader // completedWhere stories live. Discover now