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Your POV
jungkook offering you a hug was unnatural and somewhat foreign, but right now you weren't worried about that. you simply sought comfort and he was the only person around that could give that protective feeling.

you accepted his hug without hesitation, burying your face in his chest and your arms tightly wrapping around his body.

while you were sitting there, tears streaming down your face and in his arms, you came to realize two things.

one, he smells really good.

and two, he's honestly changed; for the better of course.

"shhh, it's just a storm. nothing to be scared about. i'm right here.", he said softly and you couldn't help your rapid heartbeat.

i mean you've basically admired him from afar since his group debuted, this was literally fulfilling all of your dreams and then some.

your little fangirl heart couldn't take it, but with another clap of thunder all of your fluttery emotions disappeared and were replaced with utter fear.

you felt jungkook's arms wrap around you tighter and you didn't fight him about it, his arms were like an unbreakable bubble that kept you safe.

and just because of this small action, you found yourself falling even deeper for him.


the power hasn't returned all day and outside the rain was still pouring, but thankfully the thunder and lightning had subsided.

you let out a breath once you noticed that there weren't anymore flashes or big booms.

you pulled away from jungkook, a deep rosy blush on your cheeks. thankfully the house was dark so you hoped he couldn't see it.

"thanks for.. you know, all of that. i really appreciate it. lord knows what would've happened if you weren't here.", you said to him with a shy and slightly embarrassed smile on your face.

"no problem, i couldn't let you face the storm alone.", he said in sort of a sweet tone, but then he laughed it off.

you laughed along, though on the inside you were screaming your lungs out in happiness.

you watched as he looked down at his phone and a shocked emotion took over his face.

"woah, it's already 5 in the afternoon. that must be one hell of a storm out there.", he looked outside while thoughts sprinted through your mind.

'I WAS IN HIS ARMS FOR ALMOST 6 HOURS?!', you thought to yourself.

time felt like nothing when you were sitting there with him, hours went by like seconds.

you started freaking out, on the inside of course, and suddenly wondering if you smelled alright or was your crying ugly.

this is what jungkook has done to you.

Jungkook's POV
  i can't believe i held (y/n) for that long. but the longer she was in my arms, the warmer and more comfortable i felt around her.

i saw her more vulnerable side and i bet that she doesn't often let people see that from her.


she may be sweet, and adorable, and gorgeous, and she may smell like coconuts... BUT that doesn't mean anything because i don't feel anything towards her.

nothing at all...


the rain had finally stopped and now the night was as clear as it could be, stars sparkling and the moon illuminating the dark sky.

the power recently returned and (y/n) spent the past few hours just talking and actually getting to know each other on a more personal level.

"hey (y/n), want to go for a walk?", i asked out of the blue and to my surprise she nodded.

a small smile grew on my lips and i stood from the couch, extending a hand to her to help her up.

"get ready and we'll go.", i said, letting go of her hand and going up to the room.

i put on some dark grey sweats, a black stussy tshirt, and some all black running shoes. i brought a hoodie along since it was probably cold and i jogged back to the living room to wait on (y/n).

a few seconds later she walked into the room. who knew a girl could look so good in leggings and a big tshirt?

i just sent her a grin and we both walked out of the wgm house, a small gap between us as we strolled.

i loved the smell of nature after it rains, there's just something about it. but i think the thing that put me in a better mood is the person next to me, in a friendly way of course.

i could tell she was cold, i mean she had her arms around her body and her teeth were definitely chattering.

"here.", i simply handed her my hoodie without a second thought. i'd consider me and (y/n) friends now, i mean that storm definitely brought us closer.

besides, she'd probably look good in my clothes...

friends share clothes, right?

we walked in a comfortable silence, and i stole a few glances at how small she looked now that she was wearing my sweatshirt.

"cute.", i mumbled under my breath, but i'm sure she heard me since it was pretty quiet outside.

it's not like i was embarrassed about calling her cute or anything, what's wrong with complimenting a friend?

notice how i've been using that word a lot, it's just so i remind myself not to even think about catching feelings for her.

she's amazing and all, but i'm definitely not ready to get into something like a relationship. especially not with another idol.

i mean i just started accepting girls as friends, what makes you think i would just jump into a relationship that fast?

this is all a phase in my life, i'll get over whatever is going on with my thoughts about (y/n).

everyone has their silly and reckless thoughts now and then, it's normal.

as long as i don't act upon my thoughts, i'll be completely fine....

but before my brain could stop my body, i realized that my hand was reaching and close to holding hers.

so much for not acting upon my thoughts..

my fingers laced with hers and i felt something, like a small spark even though that sounds cliche as hell.

i acted as if i didn't do anything, continuing to walk beside her with her small hand enveloped in mine.

i could just picture the shocked look on her face accompanied by a crimson colored blush invading her cheeks, making me just smile to myself.

whatever was happening, it couldn't be good for neither mine nor her emotions.

we got married // j.jk x reader // completedWhere stories live. Discover now