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Your POV
you felt jungkook carrying you, as you weren't completely asleep.

you had a feeling the cameras were still rolling since that was honestly the only explanation for him being so nice.

you then felt the softness of a nice bed under you, assuming you were now in the room he had been hoarding to himself.

"cut!", you heard the director yell and immediately you were pushed off of the bed, hitting the ground with a loud thud.

you opened your eyes slowly and rubbed your shoulder since you landed on it.

"out of my room pig, i almost broke my back trying to carry you up here so the least you can do is carry yourself back down those stairs.", jungkook said rather fiercely.

you were about to throw a comment back at him, but you were cut off by
someone calling your name.

you got up, huffing angrily, and went to the door, slamming the door behind you.

you were just done. done with all of his rude ass comments, his arrogance, everything!

next time you were going to fight back and rain hell all over that asshole of an idol.

you went downstairs and met with the producer, saying they'd be back the day after tomorrow since they have enough film for two episodes.

"great! i'll just go do my confessional and then i'll be out of your way.", you smiled and jogged up the stairs to the other bedroom.

you sat in the seat and fixed yourself up so you looked presentable, then the camera started rolling.

"ready to rebel! annyeonghaseyo rebelle (y/n) imnida!", you did your little introduction.

"alright so we have a few questions for you, first off what is it like having one of the most world renowned idols as a husband?", they asked and you almost scoffed, but you caught yourself.

"well as a rookie, it's sort of a learning experience for me. i get to see how hard he works and maybe transfer what i learn from him into my life as an idol.", you plastered on a fake smile.

"we interviewed your group earlier today, they said that jungkook was your bias.. is this true?", they asked.

"ah, yes he is.", you nodded, looking down sort of shyly.

"well how does it feel being married to your bias? nothing less than amazing right?" 

"you have no idea, he's a... a sweet guy and yeah. i look forward to working with him along with hopefully the rest of bangtan in the future.", you hesitated for a bit when describing jungkook, not knowing how to talk about him nicely.

the camera turned off which signaled they were done with filming for the day.

you bowed to them and then walked downstairs, returning your mic and then going outside to help the staff carry equipment to the vans.

you were always the helpful type; unlike jungkook who was still in his room probably playing stupid games on his phone or talking bad about you behind your back.

you handed the makeup staff one last bag filled with products, then shut the car door behind them.

you waved them off down the long driveway path, then you shuffled back inside.

you shut and locked the door behind you, then went to set up your bed on the floor of the living room with a sigh.

your "cinderella story" was all kinds of twisted. the stupid prince somehow became evil, and your fairy godmother got lost in the mail or something
because she was nowhere to be found.

you made your way to the bathroom, taking a hot shower to try and relax but that didn't help much.

you dried off and then stepped on the electronic scale, feeling the need to weigh yourself.

"92?! how did i gain weight?!", you sighed heavily, putting on your pjs and trudging out of the bathroom.

"no more eating (y/n). just green tea and lemon water, that's it. you need to lose weight.", you mumbled to yourself, not noticing jungkook standing right in front of you.

"pft. you got that right fatty, i'm glad you're actually considering a diet. good luck, though i bet you won't last long. once a fat ass always a fat ass." he shrugged and went upstairs.

your blood was literally boiling, this was it. this was your chance to blow up and go off on him, give him a piece of your mind!

......... but nothing came out of your mouth-

no witty insult, no amazing comeback, not even a scoff!

you just stood there looking stupid with your mouth open like you were going to say something.

you just stood there and watched as he walked up to his room while literally laughing his ass off.

you groaned and ran your hand through your hair, feeling stressed and upset and so many more indescribable emotions.

you laid on your "bed" and stared at the ceiling blankly.

"why does he hate me? is it something i said when we met? maybe it's my looks...", you asked yourself, feeling more and more insecure.

you got your phone out and texted jimin, he had to know why right?

you : jimin.. it's me, (y/n). are you free to talk for a few minutes?

jm : yeah, of course. what's up?

you : it's jungkook... i'm positive he hates me and i just want to know why.

jm : he hates you? care to explain..

you : he- well he calls me fat, pig, chubby. he says i need to lose weight. he says i sound annoying and i'm clingy. it just makes me feel bad, especially when i've been nothing but nice to him. please just tell me why he's like this..

jm : oh... that... that is something he has to tell you on his own (y/n)-ah. it's not a story for me to share. i'm sorry.

you : o-oh. it's alright i guess. well that's all, goodnight.

you turned your phone off and sighed heavily.

"so he does know.. but jungkook would never tell me, jimin said it himself he hates me!", you started talking to yourself, only stressing yourself out even more.

"what am i going to do?"

Jungkook's POV
i walked up to my room while laughing up a storm. you should've seen her face when i spat that comment at her!

it was literally priceless!

i would text my hyungs about it, but they'll just scold me and tell me to stop teasing her and all of that bullshit.

i hate this so much, i'm sure you can understand. i mean how would you feel if you were forced to be put on this show with someone like (y/n)?

terrible, right?!

she's just indescribably annoying in every single way i can think possible!

her looks, her voice, her laugh, and don't even get me started on when she cries!

i just hate this so much, i hate her so much!

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