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Jungkook's POV
  i was walking around the now dark city with my hood over my head and my hands in my jean pockets.

so many things were going through my head, i couldn't possibly think about just one single thing without it being interrupted by another thought.

i shuffled on the pavement, going no where in particular when i noticed the direction i was walking.

it was like the gods just wanted me to go back to that damn house, but why?

do they want me to suffer like i did before? i know how girls are! they love you until things get inconvenient for them and then they leave you, i've lived it and i won't let myself fall into that situation again!

i won't allow myself to get hurt again because i let myself feel for once!

i sighed heavily and shook my head, looking straight ahead down the path that lead directly to the house.

she's just like eunji in almost every way possible.. she's kind, caring, sweet, thoughtful. the way her eyes crinkle when she smiles. her little giggle. the way she cries because of me..-

shit! why do i let her invade my thoughts like that?! she's just some girl that i've known for a week yet she's on my mind constantly now.

i stare blankly down the long and winding gravel path, visions of both (y/n) and eunji showing up side by side in my mind.

i start to take steps towards the house, but i quickly stop myself and shake away all of my thoughts.

"what is happening? am i going insane?! why do i even want to go back? what does she have that i need in my life? nothing, that's what.", i muttered to myself, shaking my head.

"she just wants me to let my guard down. she wants me to let her in so she can get close and then shatter me just like how eunji broke my heart. well you know what (y/n)? looks like your plans are ruined!", i ended up yelling at nothing except for the bright full moon.

i huffed turned my heel and began walking in the opposite direction of the 'we got married' house, fighting the small yet unnaturally powerful urge to look back.

i knew that if i even glanced over my shoulder, i would end up going back there. going back to the show. going back to her.

Your POV
five minutes. 300 seconds.

the time you're currently counting down as you sit on the couch and stare at the door.

every gust of wind, every time the house settles, every little movement just makes your heart race.

you try to distract yourself but you can help the nerves and angst just building up inside of you.

four minutes. 240 seconds.

your breaths began to get shaky as you waited. you couldn't stop tapping your foot or shaking your leg either.

you didn't know why you were so anxious, it's not like he would treat you any better than before. if anything you expected for everything to get worse if he returned.

yet there was some small part of you that had a feeling he would walk in a changed person. that would be naive of you though, wouldn't it?

three minutes. 180 seconds.

you could swear you heard the crunching of gravel outside as a car arrived, but as you got up and ran to the front window you could see it was just your mind messing with you.

you sighed and shuffled back to your spot on the couch, trying to go back to watching tv but that didn't last long.

two minutes. 120 seconds.

you couldn't stop fidgeting as you sat there on the couch, trying your best to focus on the children's show that just so happened to be playing.

"maybe i should give up and just go...", you thought to yourself as you played with your fingers nervously.

but you shook away the doubt, you had to stay positive in situations like this. positive thoughts are everything, maybe if you thought hard enough it would come true-

one minute. 60 seconds.

you had nothing to lose.. so right then and there, as you sat on the couch crisscross, you squeezed your eyes shut and crossed your fingers.

you had only the image of him coming through the door in mind as time ticked away painfully slowly.

30 seconds.

yes you looked like an idiot, but right about now you were willing to take the bad with the good.

no matter how rude or disrespectful he was off camera, you planned on cherishing the good moments that you had with him during filming.

the first episode was like a perfect first date, it was magical. you just wished he acted like that all of the time, but then again beggars can't be choosers.

five seconds.

this was it, five more seconds...

four seconds.

your palms began to sweat and your heartbeat began to speed up.

three seconds.

you couldn't be more anxious even if you tried right about now.

two seconds.

you could've sworn you heard the crunching of gravel under nearing footsteps.

one second.

the door handle jiggled and you jumped. you heard the insert of keys into the lock and your heart leaped out of your chest.

the door opened and you hugged a pillow to your chest, your eyes fixed on the door as a shadowed figure walked inside and made eye contact with you.


we got married // j.jk x reader // completedWhere stories live. Discover now