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Jin's POV
it had only been a couple of hours since jungkook left for his first ever real date with (y/n), but suddenly i began getting a spam of messages from gi regarding jungkook and some mystery girl.

i began replying, but as soon as my texts sent there were numerous knocks at the dorm's front door.

i rushed to the door and opened it, revealing the concerned faces of my, tae's, hoseok's, and yoongi's girlfriends. they pushed their way inside, removing their shoes as they quickly filed in one by one.

"boys! we have company!", i called as i shut the door behind the girls who began making themselves as comfortable as possible; meaning gigi and kay were seated on the couch stressfully typing away on their phones while hana and soobin were pacing around the living area biting their nails nervously.

the rest of the group came out from their rooms and approached their stressed girlfriends cautiously while namjoon and jimin sat in empty chairs, looking at the girls in a confused manner.

"so, to what do we owe the surprise?", i asked as i took a seat beside gi, placing my hand on the small of her back assuringly.

"we have a problem.", kay tried to speak calmly as she held onto yoongi's hand and typed furiously on her phone with her other.

"more like a major love life crisis!", hana reacted, but tae managed to get her seated and calm within a few seconds.

all six of us guys were beyond lost at this point, but we quickly were caught up as the girls handed over their phones and of course joon and jimin looked on with someone.

as if it were all at once, a shocked expression took on all six of our faces while the girls just sighed.

"but i thought he was with (y/n)! he was going to confess to her today!", joon spoke, not believing the pictures shown and the words written in the now trending article.

"well it seems like our international playboy has really lived up to his name..", soobin spoke under her breath, but we all ended up hearing what she said loud and clear.

i mean she wasn't wrong, that's for sure.

"how is (y/n) doing?", jimin asked after a short period of silence. he was the closest one out of us guys to (y/n) besides jungkook, so of course he'd naturally be slightly more worried.

"well let's just say that she locked herself in her room, and before we left all we could hear was crying and ed sheeran love songs.", gi spoke, leaning her head on my shoulder and frowning.

after hearing that, everyone knew that something had to be done even if the room was dead silent.

but none of us knew just what to do yet.

Your POV
  it had been around half an hour since you got home and read the dreaded news from gigi's laptop.

it was bad enough that you were no longer allowed to have contact with jungkook, but now you knew that he was happy without you and it broke your heart into a million more pieces.

your group members left a little while ago, but you barely heard the front door close over the music you were playing.

you had to admit, you shed a tear or two. i mean you had fallen in pretty deep for the guy it's not like you could help your emotions.

you just thought that things would be better. i mean you went through hell during the first few episodes of the show, but things began picking up as you and jungkook grew closer. now it's like all of it was for nothing except heartbreak.

we got married // j.jk x reader // completedWhere stories live. Discover now