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Kay's POV
the girls and i were still squished in our spots on the couch as we laughed childishly at some spongebob joke, however my fit of laughter was interrupted by my phone buzzing in my back pocket.

i quickly whipped it out and read the text from yoongi, i even read it twice because i couldn't believe it.

yg : jungkook says (y/n) stood him up, this true?

i scrambled up and shut off the tv, much to my group mates' dismay.

"we need to go. (y/n) get dressed and meet us in the van, i'll explain everything on the way there.", i spoke as i rushed to the door with everyone except for (y/n) following behind me.

Your POV
  as you got dressed, the only thing you could imagine being this urgent would be something having to do with the boys. you still had to explain the whole jungkook situation to your group members, but you didn't know how to bring it up. it wasn't exactly the easiest thing to bring up in a casual conversation.

you threw on a pair of black leggings, an oversized maroon hoodie, and your maroon adidas nmds. your hair went up into a ponytail and after popping a piece of gum into your mouth, you headed out the door.

you met up with your members in the van and after taking your usual seat, your manager set off in the direction of the boys' dorm.

kay began explaining the text she received from her boyfriend, but as she was in mid explanation you felt the need to get everything off of your chest.

"i did! i stood jungkook up, okay? i didn't mean to, i didn't even want to. i wanted to see him but i'm not allowed to anymore!", you said, feeling everyone's wide eyes now on you.

"this morning i had a meeting with the CEO. he said that i couldn't be seen with or even have contact with jungkook anymore because the timing wasn't right or something like that, i stopped listening since i was in shock.", you further explained and the van remained silent as it came to a halt outside of the bts dormitory.

"well then you have to come explain it to him, you can't just leave the poor boy hanging.", gi urged you, however you just shook your head.

"no one outside of this van can know. besides, it's better if he thinks i stood him up; it'll make it easier for him to forget his feelings for me. now you guys go inside and lie your asses off, i'll be waiting in here.", you opened up the door for them and feigned as smile as the four of them filed out one by one; each giving you a sympathetic smile as they left.

you watched them walk inside and once they were out of sight, you sunk in your seat and held your head in your hands.

"i hope they're good liars.", you whispered to yourself.

Jimin's POV
  it had been a while since yoongi hyung sent the text to kay, she read it but he had gotten no reply. we were about to have him text again when our doorbell rang, the girls were here.

yoongi hyung answered the door and the girls filed in, a sort of nervous look in their eyes as they removed their shoes and headed straight into the living room.

we all made ourselves comfortable and then kay broke the silence.

"it's true, what jungkook said is true. we didn't know the first time we came here but after talking to (y/n), we found out the truth.", she started, looking down at her lap as did the other three girls.

"she told us everything. she's been in a long distance relationship for a while now with her high school sweetheart, she's had to keep him a secret and just used jungkook to cover him up from the public eye.", hana said, fidgeting every so often which made me a little suspicious.

"we're really sorry.", soobin couldn't even look at her own boyfriend as she spoke that small sentence.

something was off, this was unlike the girls and i think i was the only one that noticed it.

i had a few questions, but before i could ask them jungkook stood up in what was obviously rage.

"she used me?! i knew your member was nothing but a fake, fat, hog! to think i had feelings for that animal! you know what, you four are probably using my hyungs too. without your precious boyfriends your group wouldn't even be relevant!", he continued to rage on, but joon hyung just pulled him into his room and shut the door.

the girls looked quite taken back by his words.

us boys knew he was just saying these things out of emotion, but they were still harsh nevertheless.

"wow... well um, i think it's best if you girls left.", jin hyung stood as did everyone else.

the couples did their usual lovey-dovey goodbyes and i just walked the girls out as their boyfriends went to most likely chew out our youngest member.

"i hope you all know you're terrible liars.", i spoke in a hushed voice and all four girls looked at me bewildered.

i guess they thought that they were good actresses or something, though that wasn't the case at all.

"something is up and now that i know, it's time you all spilled the truth.", i insisted and they all just groaned quietly, looking at one another.

kay nodded and before i knew it, hana and soobin were dragging me into the hallway.

"okay, listen. our CEO doesn't want (y/n) to have any sort of contact with jungkook anymore. if she so much as texts him or even looks his name up in her phone she'll be kicked out of the group. we hate lying as much as she does, but it's for the best.", gi said and now everything was making a bunch more sense; i mean a long lost boyfriend? that sounds nothing like the (y/n) we all know.

"this stays between us, if the other boys find out then things will really be bad for us all. (y/n) wrath is something no one wants to face.", hana threatened and i simply nodded.

they all let out a breath of air and waved before heading down the hallway towards the elevator.

i scurried back inside and, though i really shouldn't have.....

i told the boys.

jungkook included.

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