Arc 1

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Arc 1 ~ A devilish bond


If you do not wish to read update chapters like this, then feel free not to. Reading this won't affect anything badly or mean you miss out etc. I'll see you in the next chapters!

Okay, so the first two things I'll talk about is what most of you will probably want to know and what I want to get off my chest most.


So I'm starting an IB course in Sixth Form on September 6th 2017. For people outside of the UK, Sixth Form is one of the choices you can take along side College or an Apprenticeship. This runs for two years: Year 12 and Year 13 which should respectively be 11th Grade and 12th Grade.

The IB course is harder than A-Levels and requires more time and effort, so if anyone does A-Levels, just imagine your schedule but a bit busier.

I go out quite a bit as well as having other hobbies such as Gym, so when I am at home, I'm not sure how much I could write per day.

My chapters are a minimum of 2000 words which equates to a good 15 minute read - doing 2000 words a week along with other essays and such... shouldn't be too hard for me. But I can't really tell until school starts.


Something that has been bugging me since chapter 3. It's even made me uncomfortable as I wrote all the chapters after it. The first-person narrative.

This was first brought to my attention when I was searching online for things people hate in 'XReader' stories. One of the things was first and third person narrative, which the author of that article said "many people hate when compared to a second-person narrative." I could see why before the author even gave reasons. Both narratives are very direct when controlling 'you' and 'your actions'. I felt this as I wrote, for example, when I say 'mom and dad'. I don't know if the specific reader has either parent, I myself don't even have a father, so it's worrying if I'm breaking the realism for anyone.

Now, this could be some fake statistic for the author's article, right? Well searching a bunch of Chara x Readers - Good and bad - I found all of them have a 2nd person narrative. The story that inspired me to write this one, Kiramera's story? I specifically remember it being first person. Oops, It's second person. Yeah, now I feel like I want to rewrite every chapter in second person. I've never done so before, but it can't be that hard.

The difference with my story is that it's meant to be more professional than the rest: like a real novel. So, having a first-person narrative allows me to go into a lot greater detail about feelings and such. It also differentiates my story from others. Even for me, I feel like at times this story is less about you and more about an OC (original character) with your name on it. If I wanted to create a novel type story than I think I need to stick with first person as I find it extremely difficult to convey the reader in a story like this in second person. In fact, I think it's practically impossible for me to do it to a high standard unless it's a short story. And to be fair, just one of my chapters are longer than some full stories about Chara.

Nobody has really talked about it so I feel like it's okay for now. I just hope my story isn't automatically a turn off for anyone who sees it written in a narrative that they don't prefer.

The chapters so far

What can I say? This is the first time I've ever written a real story like this, let alone to an audience like this. Is my writing good? Does the story make sense? Does it feel like another cheap story and does it look like it's going anywhere? I don't know. I have no other work to compare myself to. I don't even know another first-person, Chara story to compare progress with and I'm kinda glad. I'm very competitive lol so I don't know how I'd react.

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