This Has To Stop

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' Baby I'm sorry I was being to stubborn I should have listen to you. I just wanted to look for happiness in all the wrong places' she cried into his chest.

Then and there i finally realized that she was with her Mr. Right. I held on to him like my dear life as depending on it. I'm so in love with him but I'm so scared of another heart break. I being in here I realized it time I not take my life for granted.

' Trigger man look Kebo got away and guess who missing with him' J stated

'who nigga' Kam said angry

' the nigga Andy man. I knew we should have killed his as aint no way in hell a nigga who don't know nothing knew who all was working with Kebo to take us down. why you aint let me blow his head off man.

' hahahahahah ' naw I aint let you because I knew what I was doing. And the crazy part I said the same thing when that nigga was talking aint know way in hell you knew all that information.

I started to cry knowing there might be a chance I might get taken again better yet might kids might I started to cry. I was beyond this point crying my heart out. what have I gotten myself into meeting Kam man. Not only was he a thug he killed these people now they coming for me and my family for him..


'Listen, don't hit my line, Asking why my number in yo nigga shit" the little hoe said.

' look here you KASH DOLL wanna be as bitch. I'm J wife matter a fact I'm the main bitch he fucking with so please when you fell the need to call to suck on his dick. just hit my line because cuz you sucking my sweet off that nigga shit.

' pussy hoe , your dumb ass don't us side hoes winning the fuck you thought bitch. And for your information hoe I do more then suck his dick I ride that nigga shit. Hoe! How you think this baby got in me' the hoe said before hanging up the line.

To think he loved me and all this time he was cheating on me. I wanna know. why is he letting me down.I stood by his side when shit was going down . I soo confused he out here helping find my best friend but cheating on the girl he supposed to love. I think we need a break. how can I love him when he sleeping with these hoe and they haven hoes he suppose to be my man.

I packed my shit to leave I love J but I cant I will not have this shit. we have a baby on the way , how can he turn his back on us. the mother of his child the lady who he build a bond with so I thought. I might be one oh his side hoes to. I aint wanna hear these bull shit stories about my man but now they are coming to bite me on the ass. I don't have my best friend to cry to right now who can I go to I'm all on my own. These bitches aint shit. they steal your man and be all in the air talking about it like that shit cute its not.

I should have learned from that bicth Sza telling me how she was the weekend bitch and made a song about it. hoe almost got shot for messing with my man. and hoe real life came to my door waiting. man I wasn't finna play with her I had my knife . and tazer ready fro this bitch.

'ahhhhhh 'I yelled in pain. Water ran down my leg. man my baby is coming its to soon. I wined in pain ass I tried my best to put my baby clothes and mines in a bag. the pain came back to back I didn't believe I can make it to the hospital by drive myself.

I cried and pain screaming for help trying to make it too the door. I held my belly as I got to the door. I reused to call that bum bitch to see the birth of our son he can go to them hos and watch them give birth. I got my phone and called Kams mom. we al became closet since everything.

'hello, baby girl what good'

'Ma its time he is coming please hurry and come get me'

'I'm on my way why is J not there?'

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