Let'S End This

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Damarus POV

(6months later)

"I hear by give you Damarus Lyon partial Custody of Messiah Lyon. And I hear by Give you Rain Jones the same. As you can see there is a 1 year old baby involved into this and Ms.Jones I see you are expecting I really wish you will give this man time with his son. Us woman need to have a break sometimes and from the stories I'm hearing you two clearly do love each so much and to stubborn to try to make things work so I am also sending you to FAMILY THERAPY. Court dismissed" with that's the judge was gone.

I'm happy I can see my son more. I mean I wanted full but i guess half and half will work and all we have to do it try to get Tim the bottom of our problems so family therapy should work because I really do want Rain back knowing I'm the reason she acting like she is makes me feel like shit.

"Aye man they shouldn't have gave her ass shit. She so unfit to be a mother. " Kam said.

"Naw man she is fine something better then nothing I love her I'm not go lie. She been staying with me for a while. It's just her being pregnant by ol Boy got a nigga feeling some type of way. I mean she supposed to only carry my kids" I said angry

"But man you have nobody to blame but yourself. You cheated on her and had not one but two kids on her. While she was pregnant with Siah. I love you man but you know I'm not go tell you nothing wrong." Sara said while rubbing my back.

It's crazy how hey telling me everything I️ was thinking about last night man I️ really wanna get this shit right with her I️ love my girl and to loose her is not an opinion I️ mean we have our days where we do be be by ass and I'm a man I️m go admit my wrongs I️ shouldn't have stepped out on. A good girl like her she loved me hard and now she out of control.

"Well I️ guess we both got what we wanted" and with that' she walked away.

I️ need to think of a way to get my girl back and try to make it work for us and our son I'll even help her with her kids and hats not mines.

(Text conversation)

To:RainDrop ☔️

Man, look I️ been thinking I️ know I️ fucked up and I️ know we need to talk about us and everything.


What do we possibly have to talk about you ain't wanna talk 6mnths ago about something we should have did a parents instead of coming to court. I️ give you him every weekend what MORE DO YOU WHAT FROM ME (in Tyreese voice)

To:RainDrop ☔️

Look I'm sorry okay please come over at 8 tonight I'll cook dinner and we can talk

To:Fuckboy 🤬

Ugh..... OKAY

Well that was a try and hopefully we can get some miracles to happen.


"Girl We met at a park in Mountain View on Sunday, two days after we first met. Got the parks confused so I had to go searching for him and he was on the slide. He asked me to go to a spot on the Bay -- it's right at the Google campus and it's where people go to fly their drones. But I didn't want to get in the car with him right away so I convinced him to go back to the first park with the sundial and the Japanese tea garden thing, where you rake through the sand? It's supposed to be meditative.

So we raked the sand until I realized he wasn't an axe murderer and then got into his car, where I saw he had a little red stuffed cow by the gear shift. I named her Cindy, short for Cinnamon, because she is bright red, like a red hot candy.

He took me to the Google place to fly kites and it was windy and there were lots of drones and it smelled a bit marshy, like sulfur. But it was really sexy to fly a kite, kind of like in the movies when the dude teaches the preppy girl to play golf, like "It's all in the hips."

Then we went back to downtown Mountain View and I bought a journal at a bookstore (which felt like a good omen, like the start of something new) and ate Mongolian BBQ which was kind of gross and def not romantic. Then we kissed in the car, which should have happened while we were flying the kite but neither of us are very smooth"

"Aww Sanjay that's so cute girl I️ wish I️ had that type of first date" I️ said to be honest I️ didn't care about Sanjay and her stories only listen we'll pretend to listen so she can kill time talking. I️ have move problems of my own then to think about her problems.

"What about you and- Oohhh look at that fine piece of chocolate right there a bitch will die to drop in them draw" she said

I️ turned around to look and there was Kam coming in with flowers and lunch for me aww my baby popping up to my job for me I️ feel somewhat loved.

"Well how can I️ help you Zaddy" Sanjay said bitting her lips.

I️ know this bitch didn't after she was sitting here talking about her so call romantic date. My kammybear smiled and kissed me so passionate maken the bitch face drop. She looked kinda mad or she big mad.

"Aww baby this for me. Kammybear I️ love it and I️ love you" I️ said being petty and kissing him some more.

"How can someone have your fat ass" she mumbled. I'm guessing Kam heard her to before he went off at the mouth.

"BITCH CALL MY WIFE FAT AGAIN ILL FUCK YA UGLY Ninja Turtle LOOKING ASS UP. Ol bum bitch. My wife and the mother of my kids is beautiful. He said looking in my eyes. Man I️ Love Kam

"What ever" was all he said and walked away.

"So baby I have something planned for us tonight and I️ want you to look nice so I️ have a suprise for you when you get home so be ready" he said while kissing me and disappearing in the elevator.

Lord what does this man have up his sleeves now. And I️ guess tonight is when I️ pop the big surprise to him.


"Morra! Morri! Autumn! Bring y'all buts here now" I️ shouted see when I️ do that they think there in trouble but Naw I️ need there help to plan mommy's day.

"Yees dada" Morra said looking at me with her puppy face this little girl I️ tell you has her mother there and autumn all over her.

"You all not in trouble" I️ laughed

"I️ need y'all to help Daddy make mommy happy so here is the plan......

(1 hour later) okay so now that y'all got what y'all wanted and need let's get this work ready.

Its Bout That Time......

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