As We Layed

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Rains POV

Whoa its morning
And we slept the night away
It happened
Now we cant turn back the hands of time No, No

Yes we've stolen the moment
We forgot to face one simple fact
We both belong to someone else
As we slept the night away.

I sang as we layed. This song is kinda my problem I'm going threw now. Her fucks me leave me. But last night he slept over and rush out this morning.

I haven't told him I was pregnant yet. I just don't know what to do I don't have any friends to talk to. Sara she changed her number and never spook to me. Ms.Morre is not my biggest fan. She only felt with me still because of Messiah.

Messiah is the only thing keeping me alive. But I'm to the point I wanna just Give him to Damarcus and just kill my self already. I don't want him to see his mommy like this. I might do it after this baby. They deserve to live and be happy.

I'm suffering for everything I put her threw it's coming back to hunt me. I have secrets and I'm yet ready to reveal them.


"Come on Morra walk for mommy baby girl you can do it. Mommy have eat eat" I said trying to get Morra to come to me instead of Kam.

"Morra Daddy princess. Daddy baby come to papa come Baby girl." He said making silly faces making her giggle and walk to him.

"Ugh you are just stealing all my kids love from hey mommy" I said pouting like a Autumn when she mad.

"Aww look at autumn number 2. Do the baby need to go on time out" he asked. MAking me laugh man where did I find this man.

"Baby on a serious note I'm happy we gave it a chance and worked it out for our 4 kids" He said kissing me. I kinda tense when he said four.

I mean I don't have a problem loving my nephew. But he came from the bitch who caused my life hell. I wanted to go right to my mothers house and give her back her baby and tell her she fucking made that and she keep it.

But I just couldn't. What good was I doing If I did that. Two wrongs don't make a right. So I'm let Karma get her.

"Baby are you okay" he asked looked worried.

"Yes I'm fine just thinking how life might be" I said smiling weakly.

"All we can do is pray and take it day at a time. We don't know what God has planed for us" He said smiling. I mean he is right.

"Baby you know I love you right" he said smiling ate me

"Yea I know baby and I love you two" I smiled


"Well you and Pamala better get to maken them" I said running up stairs.

Kam PoV

Man nigga ain't been so happy and for ever. I got my girl back and my kids I mean we both young but I got money to take care of us. I have a suprise for them I got a big ass put for us to move in but I'm still getting it decorated and baby proof for them little busybody ass kids we got.

But no lie I still can't get over the fact that her sister did that to me. Now if that was her I would have been mad asf cuz I wanna see Sara ass bounce in my dick.

"Baby whats wrongs " she asked looking worried. That's why I love her she love me.

"You not giving me no pussy is what's wrong with me talking bout some dam pamala well I guess that's your name today" I said making her laugh.

"But for real Bae I'm happy we are working together n us for the kids man I thought you was go up and leave a nigga with Adyen but I'm happy you didn't because I don't know nun about kids man" I said like ok'ing into her eyes there was something in them but I can't put my finger on it. She haven't seen happy since her sister left the baby on the front door I wanna talk to her about it but I don't want her to leave me again and stuff So I'm go no to leave it alone

What can I do to make her love me like I love her?

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