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I try to set up the chairs fast and fail as they come out to practice. I finish the chairs and sit down in the back away from the part of the stage that Jonahs at.

Midway during there set I get a text from the other boy.

John/ so my parents picked me up
Me- good lol
John/ are you still upset with them
Me- only with Jonah
John/ is he mad
Me- at first cause he was like "who's that boy"
And I explained how you needed help and he wasn't but I'm still upset that he didn't trust me
John/ oh well tell me if you guys stop fighting.

I stop texting him and go on my phone. Then I get a text from Jonah. As I get the text I see he's still on his phone

J- do you want to know the real reason I didn't trust you
Me- yes I really do
J- last night
Me- what happened last night?
J- well I used to live here a long time ago. And when I did I dated this girl. So yesterday she heard I was coming back so she texted me. And last night we met up. She came to the hotel room. I promise we didn't do anything. The only thing that happened was we kissed. And so I was afraid you knew about it so you were going to do something.
Me- I can't believe you

When I get the text my heart practically breaks in half.

I get up from my chair and leave the room as quickly as I can. I try to keep the tears from coming but it's really hard

I walk to the bathroom and go in. As soon as I'm in the bathroom tears start rolling down my face.

I look at my phone and Jonahs trying to text me

J- I'm really sorry
Me- just stop I don't want to hear it.
J- please just forgive me
J- I said sorry
Me- Sorry doesn't heal a broken heart

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