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My dad gives me the papers I have to do for the school and starts talking to me

"Okay so you're schools talked to each other and talked to me and we've decided that in order for you to continue this tour that you need to finish these papers. But not just that but you also have to take online classes to keep up."
"How am I going to do that"
"They will find something and send it to me."
"There's more. While you're here and we are going to be here for a couple of weeks cause it's our break. And during these weeks you will go to the school and learn with them"
"Are you serious"
"Yes. Now they are coming for a field trip and I want you to get as much of these papers done and handed in. And when you get to the school they will give you due dates."
"Why am I doing this. When I left for the other school they said it would be fine"
"I want you to do this because I don't want you to have to stay back."
"I understand"

I can't believe this.

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