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"Well we only have a couple hours to go"
"Yeah I'm actually kind of excited for this one cause I used to live here."
"Yeah the place that you guys first came to was our new house. We moved from here to there this year. I've lived here from preschool to 8th grade."
"Are you friends with these kids here"
"Not really. The reason we mainly moved was because all my family moved so we wanted to be closer. But part of the reason why I was happy to leave was everyone hated me for no reason." I tell him the story of why they hated me
"How could someone hate you" Daniel says
"I don't know people like to believe everything. But none of that was true."
"Do they know you're here"
"Unfortunately, well they are kind of coming to the venue as a field trip to "learn" but I doubt it. The worse part is they gave me work that I have to do."
"But it isn't you're School"
"I guess my old school contacted them and i don't know gave it to me"
"I see"

We stop talking and after a few hours we arrive at a hotel. Everyone goes into the rooms.

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