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"Oh hi Daniel. Did you guys figure out the room situations" she says squinting

"Yeah we figured it out" I say

"Then what are you still doing up"

"Well I couldn't go to sleep without asking this. So is this the right time to ask you a question."

"Since we're here and seeing you can't go to sleep go ahead." she says

"So as I told you before I like you."

"Yes you've told me and I agreed"

"Well ive been taking forever to ask because I was nervous for what you would say but after a few weeks of not doing anything I'm figured you kind of feel the same way. Okay I'm just going to say it."

"Please do it's getting late"

"Oh sorry I forgot you had the school tomorrow. Annnnyways what I'm trying to ask is will you go out with me" I say my voice getting higher as I say it

"No... I'm kidding yes yes I will"

"Phew you got me nervous when you said no"

"Haha. Welp I'm going to bed now. But thanks for making my night"

"Awwww" the others say in unison

I turn around and all the boys are there

"Wow were you there the whole time"

"Yup" they say

"Well I'm tired I'm going to sleep"

Jonah, Jack, and Zach leave the room and me and Corbyn stay.

We go in our beds. Julia's is closer to the door mine next and then Corbyn.

Me and Corbyn go in our beds and go to sleep.

Very quietly before I go to sleep I hear Corbyn say

"Finally now was that hard"

I laugh quietly and go to sleep

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