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"Well So this is awkward" Corbyn says
"No Corbyn this is intensely awkward" zach says to him
"Guys no this is super intensely awkward" Jack says
"Definitely super intensely awkward" Zach and Corbyn agree

"So you guys can stay here I guess I'll just leave... um and find my dad I guess. Maybe it won't be as awkward for you" I say leaving the room

I want to just run as far from the room as I can.  Instead I start walking away fast

By the time I get far enough away it's been thirty minutes. So I call my dad

"Hi when are you coming back"
"Oh yeah sorry I'm coming back now" he says

I choose to start walking back.

I walk back to the hotel and my dad is waiting in front.

I see the boys leave and get in the car. I wait a little and then go.

We start driving to the venue. When we get to the venue and I start to set up for the show.

I finish setting up right before the boys come out. I don't want to be in the room so I go to the bathroom.

I leave the bathroom and I see the boys. I walk past them normally so they think i just had to go

Of course it doesn't work.

"Hey Julia" I hear one of them say

I turn around

"Hi? Um who said that" I ask
"That was me" Jonah says. The others look shocked that it was him

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