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Class is over so we start walking to the next class

"See that wasn't that bad"
"I guess not. But where are we going now"
"English room 154"
"Is that the class that came yesterday"
"Oh Great they are going to ask about what happened yesterday"

We walk to the class

"Oh no I can't do this"
"You said that last time and it was fine"
"I know but this time so far everyone I saw walk into the class are people that were there Yesterday"
"I hate to break it to you but they all were there"
"Oh no"
"Okay can we go in now"

We walk in and everyone starts staring as I walk over to the teacher. My friend sits down. Now I'm the only one standing.

"Hi my names-" I start talking but then I get cut off
"Your names Julia I know I saw you yesterday"
"Oh yeah sorry"
"Don't be anyways my name is Mr. M" he says
"Well this is English clearly. And there's a seat back there so you can sit there"

I walk over to the seat and I'm behind one kid who wasn't there and next to the kid Jacob and Emily from yesterday.

I don't mind the person in front of me but it's Jacob and Emily that I do.

They were the ones who asked the questions that lead to me and Daniel. I just hope they don't bring anything up

Mr M teachers for a little bit and just like in Math he hands out the homework.

The same thing that happened in math happens when Jacob tries to talk to me

"Hi" I say
"So about yesterday"
"So yesterday it was cool" I say
"Well I wanted to apologize"
"Apologize Why"
"Well I was rude" he says
"What do you mean" I ask
"I referred to your blonde friend as 'the blonde one' when I should've said his name"
"Oh that's fine I don't even think he really cared"
"Okay great"

We stop talking and Emily automatically starts talking to me.

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