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"Um Daniel" I say
"Why is the door open and why are you sitting there staring outside"
"Oh I was just bored"
"So you opened the door"
"Well i was bored cause you can really only do so much on a phone. So I just started staring cause welp I don't really know and I was starting to get really comfortable like that but before I did I checked the time and say you were almost home from school so I opened the door so I didn't have to get up."
"Why are you so weird"
"That's a good question"

(I know that wasn't really a relevant part to add in the story but I found it relatable to what happens to me. Like I always am just starting into space and I get comfortable and don't want to do anything. Okay sorry for adding pointless info continue reading)

"Well where's everyone else"
" they're all out but like I said I was comfortable"
"Oh well I guess you get alone time That's good"
"Not really I've been bored"
"Well clearly"
"So is Max or whatever his name coming over"
"First of all it's Mark. Second yes. Third you guys are right he does like me"
"Okay Calm down but sorry I didn't believe you"
"It's Okay. Well how do you know"

I tell him how the day he didn't come he was with Jacob and how he told the whole class he likes me but without me there.

I also explained how my friend said to the class that me and him (Daniel) are dating but he wasn't in the class so he doesn't know

"Wow" Daniel says

"Yup So it's going to be like subtlety awkward" I say
"What do you Mean" Daniel asks
"Well he doesn't know that I know that he likes me but I do know so it will be awkward but subtlety cause he doesn't know"
"Still don't understand but okay. Anyways when is he coming"
" soon I tell him"

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