Chapter 9: Impure Thoughts

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(This is a just mostly_Fenris_Chapter, him_being_shy_and_ embarrassed)

Fenris's P. O.V

'I don't know to do .', I kept saying that in my head so much, a thousand times. I couldn't tell if stayed up all night or if I really did sleep. Maybe I can get these thoughts out of my head. Wait, why do I care so much about these thoughts.

Three days later and after 'work', I couldn't take it anymore. I needed be with Eira. I have attracted towards her. Heck I even grown feelings for her. So put on some 'descent'(by descent I mean fancy clothes that guys hate yet women force them to wear it because they like it), and went to see her.

Eira's P. O.V

I got my light bluish-green night gown on and try to get some sleep, not that I was tired or anything. Then suddenly I heard a knock on my door.

"Who--" , I stopped and realized it was just Fenris because he was the only other person in the house. I opened the and frozed .

Fenris's P. O.V

I blushed a little from being embarrassed for just coming in when Eira was just about to get some sleep. I thought was too tired to talk or anything in that matter. So I said, "Sorry, I'll come back tomorrow if you like. I didn't mean to disturb you.", just when I was about to close the door and leave. She stopped me then said," No .No, it's fine Fenris. What did you need ?", she looked at me like she really wanted to know.

"I wanted to know if you like to walk with me. In the garden. Just for the night ?", I blushed the whole time when I said those words. Mainly because she was in her bed wear.

Then she said something and I didn't hear it. " What ?", I asked her.

"I said 'Yes', Fenris.", she replied.

" Really ?", I asked, she nodded with a smile on her face. I laugh with joy, but that would be very immature of me to do so.

"Okay, best to get ready. I'll meet you downstairs.", I said. She closed the door. I went downstairs. I was running back and forth, around in circles with excitement. The feeling I had was entirely new yet almost familiar to me, he thought the feeling was the best feeling I ever had in my life.

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