Chapter 17: Marriage and Spoiled Honeymoon

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Fenris and Eira stood together side by side,put on their rings, and looked at each other smiling. They were surrounded by trees, near a lake, there was a path made of stone that led to them.

As the priest pulled out his knife and cut both of Fenris and Eira's hands and tied them together, they both held their hands and intertwined as he held their hands.

The priest told told them to say their vows together.

While the priest was untying their hands, they both said at the same time,

"Day and Night"

"Day and Night"

"Life and Death"

"Life and Death"

"I Fenris"

"I Eira"

"To love and honor Eira as my wife on this day to my last "

"To love and honor Fenris as my husband on this day to my last day"

"In life and in afterlife"

"In life and in afterlife"

"Now and forever"

"Now and forever"

The priest finished untying their hands. Both Fenris and Eira smiled as Fenris cupped her cheek and kissed her on the lips gently and passionately.

They knew right then they were officially able to call each other...


Eira's P. O.V

After our private wedding, we decided to go back to the mansion to have time to ourselves before Hawke and everyone else showed up.

"Fenris ?", I asked before we were about to enter the mansion.

" Yes, my lovely ?",he asked with joy.

"Should we tell them us and the baby now ?", I asked.

" Eira,",he my both my cheeks with both of his hands, " I will tell them personally after today. Alright ?",he said. calmly.

I curled my fingers around his wrists and nodded in agreement.

He pressed his lips on my lips gently.

As we entered the mansion on our way to our room we saw Hawke and the others even Little Bethany.

Me and Fenris both just stood there smiling and laughing nervously as we stood in embarrassment.

Fenris waved his hand and said nervously," Hi guys, you're early. How are ya guys ?".

"We might ask you two the same thing.",Anders said tersely.

" What's wrong ?",I asked.

" What Little Bethany told us is what's wrong.",Meredeth said a bit angrily. Then we both looked at Little Bethany.

"Sorry, Uncle Fenris. Mommy and daddy were getting suspicious and asked me so many questions that I couldn't take it anymore.", she said.

Fenris's P. O.V.

' Note to self never trust a four-year-old with a secret or to keep a secret', I thought to myself.

" We can explain. ", I said.

" Well we all better take seats since Broody and Eira here is going to try amusing us.", said Varric.

"I could think about a number of things Fenris could've amused us with.", said Isabella.

Everyone start rolling their eyes after hearing what Isabella said.

Eira's P. O. V

Everyone was in the living room sitting their watching us. I was starting to get uncomfortable. Fenris and I were sitting on the same couch on the opposite side of the room.

" Anytime now. We're not getting any younger.",Anders said.

I opened my mouth then suddenly closed it because I didn't even know what I was about to say.

"Well spit it out already ! We haven't got all day ! ", said Meredeth sounding impatient.

" We're in love. ", I said without thinking. I blushed as I said those words. Fenris even looked at me with the 'Why did you say that look.'.

Everyone looked at us with shock even Varric and he usually doesn't get shocked about anything.

" What ?", Meredeth said sounding as if she was confused.

Fenris started to take a breath and scooted towards me until he was right next to me.

"It's true", he said as he wrapped his arm around me,"Me and Eira are in love and we just got married.".

Everyone just stared at us. All with wide eyes and slightly opened mouths. Didn't even bother blinking, as if they were made of stone.

" And having a baby. ",he added.

" We were going to tell after our honeymoon, but you all came and.... Well here we are.", he finished.

They still kept their emotionless expression. I was getting more uncomfortable from the silence and the staring.

"Say something,anything.",Fenris said raising his voice, I could tell he was getting uncomfortable with the silence and staring as well.

The all of a sudden, all of their lips started to twitch into what looked like a smile.

" Creators, I'm so proud of you two. You two always looked so cute together.",Merrill blurted out with joy.

"Finally, Broody finely has someone to listen all of his moping and problems.", Varric said in relief.

" I can't believe you two never told us.", Anders said in disbelief.

"Maker finally gave Fenris something to be happy about.", Sebastian said with calm joy.

" Awww, how come Eira gets all the fun ?",said Isabella. 'Why can't Isabella just stop being so promiscuous all the time? It makes me sick', I thought to myself.

"Oh my gosh. I'm so happy for you two!", Meredeth said with excitement.

The all even said it at the same time.

After the long hours of everyone knowing and congratulating me and Fenris, we finally had time for ourselves. So we rushed to our room.

The Wolf's Pack (Dragon Age Fanfiction)[Cancelled]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt