Chapter 22: His Name

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Eira's P.O.V.

I woke up,feeling a little tired. I tiredly groaned and pinched my forehead. I turned my on my side and no one was there, then I sat up; looked around the room and saw Fenris over the fireplace.

He turned his head towards me. Then walked over to me with a smile on his face. I smiled in return,then he crawled on the bed next to me and kissed me.

"Hello,beautiful.",he said while smiling against my lips. I wrapped my arms around his neck then said," Hello, handsome. ", I smiled against his lips then we kissed again. Then I suddenly realized something, then pulled away from the kiss.

" Where's the baby ?",I said worryingly. He cupped my face then he said,"He is alright. ".

'He ?', I thought, 'Our child is a boy ?'

Fenris's P.O.V.

I got off the bed and walk over to the cradle that Sebastian gave us.

Then picked up our son and walked back towards Eira and sat right next to her. I showed her little baby boy.

" Here he is, love. Isn't he perfect ?", I said after I let her hold him.

She looked him and smiled.

"He's wonderful.", she said starting to cry a little.

She looked back at me then kissed my lips softly. Then we both looked back at our baby boy.

"What are we going to name him ?", she asked.

I paused for a moment, thinking about what to name him. " I'm not sure.", I answered.

" How about my father's middle name.",she asked.

I looked at her and cocked a brow. "What was his middle ?", I asked.

" Abel .", she answered then asked," What do you think ?".

I thought about the name. Not what I would've thought, but a pretty good name. And I thought she wanted to honor her father's memory.

" Abel.",I said with a smile, "I like that.".

She smile then kissed me again.

Then we heard a knock on the door. I got off the bed and walked to the door. And opened it. It was Meredeth and everyone who came to our home.

" May we come in ?",she asked.

I looked at Eira, she nodded.

Then I looked back Meredeth and invited them all in. They all immediately surrounded Eira and our newborn son.

" He's so adorable ! ", Merrill said with joy.

" He's even got his father's eyes .", said Varric and for once he didn't call me Broody.

" The maker has blessed you with a healthy and wonderful boy.", said Sebastian.

" I can already tell he's going to be a handful. ", Isabella said with a smirk.

" I wanna see ! I wanna see !", Little Bethany said as she does adorable little jumps.

Anders picked her up so she could see." What did you two name the little boy ?", Meredeth asked.

"Abel.", I answered as wrapped a arm around my wife's waist, looking down at our boy.

" What an interesting name .", Aveline,"You two should be proud of yourselves.".

"We are.", said Eira," We are so very proud.".

Then Abel yawned. He then snuggled in the blanket Meredeth and Anders gave us. Then he fell asleep.

All together everyone said," Aw", as he fell into a dreamless sleep.

I picked him up gently, making sure he didn't wake up, then put him in his cradle.

After a few long hours of seeing the our baby, everyone said their goodbyes and left.

Then I crawled next to Eira and snuggled with her, then we both went to sleep.

The Wolf's Pack (Dragon Age Fanfiction)[Cancelled]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora