Chapter 30: Hell (Warning)

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Four years later...

Eira's P.O.V.

It's been four years. Four years, since Danarius took us. I always kept wondering if Fenris is looking for us or if he's even alive.

"Mama...", Abel called.

I looked at him,he was reaching out his arm out for me. I picked him up and held him close.

" Mama, when is papa coming to get us? I miss him.",he said." I miss him too,sweetheart. I miss him very much.",and it was true I missed him everyday. I missed how he'd hold me after his long trips with Hawke, I missed gentle kisses, I missed how he was always do so many unnecessary things just be over protective. I missed everything about him.

"I know but why doesn't he find us ?",he asked. I gave him a sad look." I don't know,but I am sure he is trying to find us.",I answered. I both hoped and feared that he would find us. I feared because then he would be back to a slave again or he would be tortured or killed for running away. But everyday I hoped for him to come find us so we can be a family again.

The cellar door opened. Varania came in then fell on her knees, she had bruises, a black eye, and a bloody nose. She even spitted out blood. Then Danarius and three of his men came in.

"Take the boy.", was the first thing he said as he pointed to towards me and Abel.

I held Abel as tight as I can,he did the same to me. One of the men tried to yank him from me but I kept holding him." Give me that boy,you knife eared bitch !",the man growled as my son started crying and kept holding him close.

"Let him go. Please he's only a child.",I begged. Then another man came and banged me on the head,then my vision went blurry and I lost my grip on my son.

" Mama !",he cried,"Mama !".

"Abel", I said as I tried to reach out for him.

" Mama !",he kept crying,"Mama !".

"Abel", was the last thing I said before I blacked out.


Abel's P.O.V.

" Mama !",I screamed. I struggled trying to get out and loosen their grip on me. One of them tightened their grip and I yelped and winced. "Stop squirming you little brat!",he growled in my ear. I didn't care all I wanted was to go back to mama and for papa to come save us." Let me go now !",I demanded. Danarius laughed then said,"Your father said the exact same thing when I made him my pet.".

'What ? His pet? Why would he made papa his pet ?",I thought.

"Which is what I am about to do to you.", he said with creepy smile on his face.

I tried to fight back as the men held me down." Let me go ! What are you doing ? Let me go !",I yelled trying to bite some part of the men's flesh. I did not succeed. Then they strapped me to the table.

"I already told you,dear boy. I am about to do the same thing I did to your father. And hopefully that will get his attention.", he said with grim joy.

" Let me go now !",they gagged me as soon as I finished my sentence. I started to cry as I kept trying to get out,but it was no use and they knew it. Yet that all never stopped me from trying to break free.

"Oh,quit your crying. It's pointless to cry. It will only makes you more pathetic then you already are.",he said not sounding amused.

Then I felt a sharp pain in my hands and it hurt beyond what the physical pain I experienced growing up. Then the pain spread throughout my body. It got worse feeling the sharpness and horrible burns. Then even started doing on some parts of my face and neck. Then to my chest.

I screamed and cried harder as the pain gotten more, and more,and more worse.

Danarius's P.O.V.

How pathetic of the boy. His father was never like this when I did this to him. Oh well,I guess that's all I can expect from a child who hasn't experienced pain like this before. I wish I could pity him, but I had a runaway to get;so I had to set an example. Besides it's fun to watch him suffer,but his crying is just outrageous.

" Oppa. Oppa.",the boy muffled.

"Oppa. Oppa.",he muffled again. I had no idea what he was really saying but I didn't care. I just wanted to see if he would live through this so I can get back my pet.

Abel P.O.V.

" Papa ! Papa !",I kept saying.

I never stopped even though I was gagged. I didn't care. All I wanted was for papa to save me and mama to hold me again and for the pain to go away.

"Papa ! Papa !".

All I said throughout the whole torture was, "Papa!".

Danarius's P.O.V.

The boy surprisingly had good strength for his age. I dare say he is quite just like his father. He was brave,strong, and he even didn't die throughout this whole thing so far.

After we were finished he calmed down and breathed slowly and funny. Also looked tired.

" Brianna, is the boy dying ?", I asked her. She shook her head then said," No,he is just tired. He'll be weak but he will regain slowly. Painfully, but slowly. ".

I smiled then said," Good.".

'What do you know, he did live through it after all.", I thought with a smile on my face. I looked at the boy, for some weird reason his hair didn't turn white like his father's hair did;but didn't care soon I will have my pet back and I would have two of them and as for the boy's mother, well she won't be any use to me anymore. Either way it is all fine by me.

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