Chapter 33:Reunited Part II,"I Am Here Now"

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Three days later...

Eira's P.O.V.

I held Abel close while he was in his trance hoping he would wake up. He always looked so peaceful when he sleeps, especially when he's in my arms. He always looked so gentle,so delicate, almost even innocent seemingly.

"Don't worry, Eira. It'll be over soon.", Varania reassured as she stroked Abel's cheek. He didn't do anything, all he did was breath and sleep as if nothing has touched him;even though he has been touched. In a way I cannot imagine the pain he was in. It broke my heart that I couldn't protect him from that.

The cell door opened and it gotten our attention. A few guards came." C'mon let's go. We shouldn't keep them waiting. ", one of them said as they all half dragged and half carried us out of the cell. Abel's head on my shoulder and my arms tightly around his waist. I even still held him as if he was still a tiny baby.

-Time Skip into a couple hours later-

Varania's P.O.V.

' Maker watch over them. ', I prayed hoping that Danarius didn't do any more harm to Abel and Eira. Also that Fenris wasn't coming without any help. I didn't want to lose my brother again, but I also didn't want him back into slavery or his family have his family killed or worse. Five times he wanted my help to get him. On the first time he asked I refused ,and found myself in a cellar where I first met Eira and Abel. On the second time he asked,I refused again and I got beaten. On the third time he asked,once again I refused and got beaten; and me and Eira had smaller portions of food. On the fourth time he asked me again, and I refused again, then got beaten worse than before and they tortured my darling nephew. On the fifth time however, I regrettably had to help him. He threatened to kill Eira if I didn't, he even threatened to corrupt Abel's mind and make him go mad. I couldn't bare the thought of that happening. Just thinking about it was enough to make my eyes water a little.


Abel's P.O.V.

I woke up with a blurry vision then I felt my body began to shake.

"Stop shaking him! That won't make it any quicker!",I heard a man yell. The way he sounded when he yelled was like as if he was far away,even though he was actually very close.

" Master Danarius, sir!",I heard a woman say,"He's here along with some other people. ".

"Good. Now let's get going.", I heard the man's voice say.

I groaned tiredly wanting to rub my eyes but I couldn't. I was so tired;so exhausted I couldn't even lift my arms up, and also my wrists felt like something was holding me down. I tried to move but my body only jiggled a little bit.

Just when I started to see properly again after blinking a few times the first I saw was a slightly yellow and slightly light blue sky but through a roof hole.

I looked around and found myself in a very unfamiliar room. Then I notice that my neck and both of my wrists were in heavy chains.

"Good, the boy is finally awake. ", I heard the man say. I looked to see where the voice was coming from. It was him. The man who took me from mama and tortured papa. I hated seeing him. I wanted to glare at him but I knew that wouldn't do me any good.

Then all of a sudden I realized I was being carried. The person who carried me dropped me to the hard ground. I tried to pick myself back up but the person who dropped me grabbed the back of my shirt and dragged me out the door.

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