Chapter 21:" It's a Boy "

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I raced upstairs as quickly as I can to Eira,and when I entered our room; I see Eira curled into a ball, arms around the unborn child she carries, and breathing deeply and rapidly.

I raced walked towards, her had my arm behind her back and the other under her knees. And put her on the bed. "I can't believe I'm saying this but Anders get over here and help me !", I demanded while holding my wife's hand tightly. Anders came, no questions asked. Anders came and sat on the bed next to Eira.

He had his hand over the unborn child, then both his eyes and hand glowed blue. He did that for bit more than ten seconds.

" Yep, it's definitely coming. ", said Anders." I am well aware of that now help get the baby out !", I screamed. Eira yelp in pain and gripped on my hand tighter.

" Everyone out now.",Anders demanded, then everyone one did as he said. Except for me of course. Eira start like she was hyperventilating, I cupped her with both hands. She curled her fingers around my wrist.

"Sweetheart, I need you to try calming down,okay ?", I said with an assertive and calm tone.

She nodded then she started calming down.

Then she started scream louder and grip on my wrists tighter." It hurts! It feels like hell all over again!",she said trying to stifle the pain.

"Just keep breathing Eira, just keep breathing. It's almost time to push.", Anders said.

Few moments later,

It's been three hours since Eira was started being in labor.

Anders told me to leave the room so he could concentrate on delivering my child.

The whole time I was walking back and forth,just to past the time. While everyone else was playing cards, Meredeth was playing with Bethany, and Sebastian was just sitting there.

Finally, Anders came out of the room holding a bundle. He handed it to me. I looked and it was an infant. I looked back at Anders.

" Congratulations, Fenris. It's a boy.", Anders said as he smiled.

I looked at the infant again and observed him. He had Eira's raven black hair and heart shaped head. Had tan skin like mine. Then he opened his eyes and they were just like mine. Emerald green. Then he smiled,he smiles the same way I did when Eira and I got married. He was perfect.

"He's practically perfect in every way.", I whispered with a smile on my face. Eira should see him. I went upstairs so she could see how perfect he was.

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