Chapter 35: Like Father, Like Son Part I

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(A:N: This just going to be Abel's point of view if you all don't mind.)


Abel's P.O.V. (Like I said)

Eight months later...

" Abel.",I hear papa call out to me. I giggled to myself while I was hiding behind a tree. I loved to play around with him, it's fun doing things with him." Where is my little pup ?", I hear him say with a hint playfulness in his voice. I giggled as I sneaked away silently to another hiding place.

" Where you, you little rascal ?", he says as I watch him about to search my old hiding spot.

" I'm gonna get you Abe-",he says he finds out that I was no longer behind the tree. He pretends to think about where I am with a smile on his face." Where is my little pup named Abel ? I going to hunt him down and gobble him up when I find him.",he says playfully and pretending to be a monster at his last part of his sentence. I had a big smile on my face as I approached from behind very slowly. He saw me just a second after I made the mistake of giggling. I started to laugh and run as soon as he started to chase me. I was too slow for him so he caught me. He picked me and trapped in his arms and pretended he was eating me alive. I laughed as he did so. Then we all started to roll around in the grass together.

I laughed as I tried to run off again, yet only to be caught by papa again. He picked me up and tossed me in the air ,up and down; up and down. Then he started spinning me around again. We both fell down the ground, both laughing and feeling dizzy.

" Fenris !",we both hear mama say.

" Yes, love ?",he responded to her.

" It's Meredeth, she's here.",she said.

" Alright then. Come along now, Abel. We shouldn't keep your aunt Meredeth waiting.",he said pick me up a carrying me.

Hopefully she doesn't get all mushy with me like what she usually does. I never liked it when she does. It always annoyed me, more annoying than aunt Isabella's crazy sailor talk. To me she's just a ignorant and swashbuckling slut. I never say that, only because I know my parents wouldn't let me talk like that. I do love her and all, but not in a blissfully unaware way and I have a different way of expressing it. We both entered the mansion and we both saw my aunt with my younger cousin, Valarie, I her arms. Auntie Meredeth walked towards us with a large smile on her face.

" Hello Abel", she says standing in front of us," How's my darling nephew ?". Just as I expected, she gets mushy all over me. I glared at her, papa just smiled and chuckled at the sight. Everyone always thought it was cute or precious, which may explain why auntie Meredeth would always get mushy over me whenever she's around me. Uncle Varric would always say the usual quote to my dad," Like father, like son, right ?". He would say that a lot, even in public. He would always say that whenever he talks about it it would melt everybody's hearts. And he was right about one thing, I was actually more like papa. And it's good, that is when no gets mushy or try to get me angry.

" Auntie Meredeth.", I say to her and she ignores me," You're invading my personal space.". She pulls away still having the same big smile on his face. I still glared at her, papa was still amused from the sight." Finally, you're done being mushy at last.", I say relieved and trying to fix my hair a little. Both papa and Meredeth were laughing before he kissed me on the head and putted me down. I looked up to auntie Meredeth and asked," How Bethany didn't come ?".

She looked down at me and said to me," She's helping uncle Anders at the clinic today, deary. But why don't you play with Valerie today ?". I looked at her she gave me a grin that only showed a few teeth. She had pale skin, curly strawberry blonde hair, and peridot green eyes. She was only seven in a half months old, which meant that she was only a baby. I couldn't play with her, I didn't know how to play with babies. I look up to her." But she's a baby. I don't know how to play with babies.", I told her.

" Then just talk to her. You can do that, can you ?", she asks me. I look back at Valarie and awkwardly pick her up then took her outside.

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