Chapter 31: Anders and Fenris's Moment

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Fenris's P.O.V.

Four years since the last time I saw Eira and Abel. Four years I've been looking for them. I missed them ever since I left to help Hawke. Who knows what Danarius has done to them. Every single day I hoped that they weren't harmed, but knowing Danarius. Oh Maker please no. I beg you. Don't hurt them,especially Abel. He's only a child. My only child.

"Are you certain it's her ?", I asked Aveline.

" An elf matching your description in the town you named.",she answered, "And the details alone .I am very certain it's her.".

"I need to know if it's a trap.",I told her sternly.

" I did what you asked Fenris. Now it's up to you.",she responded then left.

Anders P.O.V.

"Vhenhedis ! Fasta bass!",Fenris cursed. He's been searching for his family for four years now and it took him that long just follow what Hadrianna said. I cleared my throat to get his attention.

He looked at me then gave me a cold, icy glare.

" Oh it's you. What are you doing here,Anders?",He said,"What do you want any way?".

"I just want to talk.", I answered.

" Get out.",he said as he threw a bottle at me,naturally I dodged it.

I walked over to him.

"Why are you still here, Anders?". He was sitting down his palm on his forehead.

" I told,I just wanted to talk.",I answered. He didn't look at me, he sounded like he was tired when he said,"And what is it that you want to talk about ?".

" Why do you do you do this to me? You let everyone besides me help you,don't you know I miss them too? Didn't you ever think that I know what it's like to lose some one or heck some people you love?".

Fenris finally looked at me with his eyes half closed, as if he was doubting what I said wasn't true."Why would you miss them? You have a family of your own that is still with you.",he responded. 

Fenris was right, I do have a family of my own. I have Hawke as a wife,Bethany as a daughter, and another child on the way soon. I love them all equally. And even though I do that didn't mean still care about others. I even care for Fenris, despite the fact;and I do mean  'fact', hates my guts and wishes to rip them out and feed them to a pack  of wild dogs or wild cats. Even though I love cats, Fenris is likely to make my love of cats turn against me.

But despite all of the things he hates about me;which is everything, I still care about what he's going through only for two reasons.

One: I understood what it was like being someone you hate,being chased endlessly, and having something attached to your flesh and soul (for me mainly soul) that you try so hard to control it just takes you over. Temperately of course,but still.

And two: I knew what it was like to just have a family of your own, then before you know it they're kidnapped. And if you loved them enough you'd try to find them either on your own or with a group no matter the consequences.

"Granted, but Hawke and Bethany thinks you're family.", I said in attempt to talk about the real reason why he didn't involve me the past four years.

" Why must you go on about this ?",he complains."Why don't you want me to help you and I know it's not just because I am a abomination. ".

Fenris said nothing and just poured himself a glass of Aggregio and almost instantly drank it. Then looked at the glass in his and with a sad look." I am not blind. I know magic has it's uses. I know you have your uses with magic. I know you've been teaching Little Bethany about how to control it. But....",he paused for a long moment then his expression turned bitter. Then not a moment later he crushed the glass in his hands until he made a fist. He got off his chair and started smashing almost everything in the room and angrily smashing and sliding things off. He then grabbed a purple;round jewelry box and raised up,and started aiming it at me. He gave me one of the world's most rage filled glares and he even started sweating. I didn't want to fight him,even though it was obvious he was about to throw it; I still didn't want to fight him. He suffered enough already.

No One's P.O.V.

Anger. Rage. Wrath.

You name it,was all Fenris had felt. All he wanted was to beat the mage senseless after everything mages have done to him. He just wanted to see the mage dead,right here and right now. He wanted to see his lifeless body to wrought and to see his blood on the ground. Then Fenris threw it at him,but lucky for Anders;he dodged it,but only made Fenris's mood worse. So worse he started having a headache and his eyes were getting heavy,he almost passed out. While he went to grab another thing to throw at Anders, he stopped.

Anders P.O.V.

After witnessing the most horrifying glare of his and dodging the jewelry box he tried to throw at me. I took a glance at Fenris. He just stood there staring at a river greenish blue scarf that matched Eira's eyes. Fenris picked it up then sat down on a chair. I noticed that he didn't have a angry look anymore. Actually, he looked more sad,not just sad like he was about to cry. But about what ? I walked towards him,and just before I could say anything.

I heard him sniff. "Fenris ?", I said quietly. He didn't answer, just sniffed again. Then I saw a him shed a few tears and gripped on the scarf he held. All the tears he shredded were on the scarf.

" I just want them back.",he said crying into the scarf. Then  I soon realized it wasn't just a scarf to him,it was something that reminded him of Eira and their son. Then he fisted the scarf with both hands and held it to his heart and cried.

I instantly felt sorry for him.

" Fenris, I-",I started but was interrupted with Fenris snarling out the words,"I don't want to hear another word out of you !", while still crying. I tried to talk again. "Not one word !", he said in a stern but still a sad voice. Also when he said that it was another one of his ways of saying 'leave'.

I ignored him and simply grabbed two glasses that were a little cracked but not shattered and a bottle of aggregio that also wasn't shattered. I poured both of the glasses and started to hand one to Fenris. He didn't notice until I shook it a little. He looked at it with red eyes but no angry expression or any other expression, then he looked at me. Then he took it still looking at me as I grabbed another seat and sat down next to him.  Then held out my glass to him, he looked at my glass then back at me. He gave tired expression then we drank our glasses in one gulp. I looked at him was just staring at the glass with a still tired expression on his face.

"Fenris,", I started as he still stared at his glass," I know you don't trust me and I know you think I am a abomination. But I also know this. Despite all those times you didn't trust me,all those times you constantly and openly say that I am just like 'them',and that you say we are nothing a like; even we almost are once you think about it, I still trust you.".He looked at me for a short moment then went back at staring at the glass." I trust you because you stayed on Hawke's side even when you didn't want to, I trust you because if it wasn't for you who fought by my side at that exposition and all those other perilous moments;I wouldn't be alive right now,if it wasn't for you helping us defeat the Arishok; we wouldn't have found Bethany either. I owe you a lot or heck even my own life for all of that. All I want is to return all those favours to you. All I want is for us get along, I don't want to argue with you anymore. I am tired of it. Aren't you tired too ?", he didn't answer only gave a small sigh."What do you say, Fenris? Can we be friends or at least try not to be at each other's throats?",I asked holding out my free hand waiting for him to shake it. He looked at me like he was thinking on it."You know I never gave it much thought.",he said. After a small moment he said,"Alright. I'll try.",then he finally shook it. I smiled knowing that he actually meant it. Then I refilled our glasses. I raised mine and said with a small smile,"To our truce and to our new poorly made,complicated,and dysfunctional friendship. And let's just hope it lasts or at least without one of us getting both screwed.". I looked at Fenris, holding out my glass. He looked at me with a bored expression. I cocked a brow. He then grinned then I grinned back. We clanked our glasses. Drank them both in one gulp. I was about to get us a refill for both our but I stopped. We glances at each other, thinking the exact same thing. We threw our glasses back. I got an extra bottle for him. And we both drank them down until the bottle was empty.

Fenris's P.O.V.

If I am being completely honest with myself, maybe Anders isn't as bad as I look at him after all. He can be annoying at the times,but hell who isn't ?

Then in the next morning, we all prepared ourselves for our trip to Minratheus.

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