Chapter 19: Finally Alone Part II;The Nightmare

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Fenris's P. O.V.

I ran through the forest where Eira was screaming, which seemed like I was running forever; as if it was a never ending trail. When I made it, everything was on fire. The trees, the cabin that was in the middle of the forest, the tall grass, everything was covered in flames. Then I saw Eira in the cabin in and she looked like she was holding something..... It looked like it was a(n) infant.

I try to run to them and get them out but I was pulled back by my neck. I put my hand on my beck and felt a collar held by chain on my neck. The chain was long,so long that it was possibly five miles wide. I started choking as I was being dragged away from Eira and the infant I assumed was my child. I struggled trying to get them, but they were burned alive before I could even get to them.

I woke up from the nightmare in cold sweat breathing heavily. It was still dark out. I gasped and turned to my left as I felt a hand on my arm and a soft voice saying,"Fenris ".

I looked and it was Eira. I must've woke her up.

" Fenris, are you alright ?",she asked softly.

I shut my eyes and put my hand over my forehead and shook my head. "No.", I answered.

She placed her palm gently on my cheek, I took her wrist and kissed her palm then lied back down.

She looked down at me then crawled right next to me. I wrapped my arm around her waist and tucked her into me.

She put her hand on my heart, kissed me on the cheek, placed her head on my shoulder, then went to sleep. I took her hand that was on my heart, squeezed it a little. Then went to sleep.

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