Windy City Sammies (Part 3)

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Sarah's pov 

 "Maggie can you send in a nurse to grab some blood work for my patient in Bay 3."I ask her as I come up to the football. "Yeah sure my dear. Hey I never asked you how was your trip up with your friend and her husband?" She asks "um amazing really amazing. I met a guy." I say smiling from ear to ear. "do tell. Who is he? Is he cute" she asks "what who's cute" April says walking up to us. "Sarah's new guy." Maggie says. A new guy spill. I wanna know everything." April says. "It's between him and I for now. We like it just us. It's more special right now." I say well is he at least cute." April asks "he's so cute, hot even." I say smiling. "rheese here are the results you wanted from earlier" Sam's says walking up to me hand me a folder. "Thanks" I say confused. I look in the folder to find a note. It reads. "Meet me in treatment room 9." I quickly close the folder and look in the direction of room 9. I see connor walking that way. He notices I'm looking and he nods his head for me to follow him. "duty calls lady's" I say showing them the closed folder and walk off. I walk off in the direction of room 9 hoping I'm not spotted going in. Room 9 is rarely used. For some reason doctors don't like it. It's smaller than the others and has a solid wood door instead of the glass sliding doors but works okay for me. I walk in and see Connor sitting on the edge of the bed. He comes up and wrapped his arms around my waist. "Hey we still on for tonight. I can't wait to take you to the best hole in the wall sandwich shop in downtown." He asks me. "Yeah. Can't wait. But you do know we will have to tell the gang sooner or later about us." I say. "I know but I like it just us for now" he says as he pulls me in tighter to him. "You had to pull me from work just to ask that. You could have texted me that." I say. "Yes I could have. But I miss you and I can't do this over texting" he says as he leans in and kisses me. "well feel free to interrupt my work day anytime to do that. I say smiling. I was just about to say something else to Connor when his pager went off. "got to go I'll see you tonight. I'll pick you up at 7pm." He says as he starts to leave "hold on let me leave first so we don't get caught." I say "good thinking I'll see you later beautiful." He says to me. I walk out with a huge smile on my face. I couldn't wait for tonight. Connor kept raving about this place he's talking me to. I'm excited to spend time with him. The rest of my work day goes by so slow. I was so happy when I saw the clock say 5:30 pm. I quickly went home to get ready.

Connors pov
I was just clocking off work when my phone buzzed. There was a text from Sarah "can't wait to see you tonight. I miss you." I smiled at her message. She's one special girl. So lucky to have her in my life. I finished gathering my stuff from my locker and head home to change then head to Sarah's. I knocked on her door right about 7. "coming. I'm coming" I hear her say from behind the door. She opens it a moment later. "Hey handsome." She say to me with a smile. "Hey beautiful" I say as I lean in to kiss her. "You ready to go?" I ask. "yep just let me grab my purse." She says. Once she grabs her bag we head to my car and set off to the restaurant. Luckily it doesn't take that long to get there. We are there in about 15-20 minutes. It's the perks of living downtown. "Welcome to Windy City Sammies" I say opening the door. "thanks" she says    "So how was the rest of work. Anything exciting happen." I ask as we wait for our drinks to come to the table. "funny you ask that. Because Dr Peterson got a bunch of pranks pulled on him." She say to me. "ah yes I remember hearing about that going to happen just wasn't sure when. I bet he was pissed." I say "as he always is. So what's good to eat here." She smiles. "Everything"I laugh. "okay what's your favorite." She asks "I have two. The roast beef and cheddar with horseradish sauce and the smoked ham and swiss cheese sandwich." I say. I love them both how am I suppose to chose." She says "how bout this you get the roast beef and cheddar sandwich and I'll get the ham and swiss then we can split them. Sound good to you." I say "Sounds perfect to me" she says as our drinks arrive. "What can I get you guys" the waitress asks us?" I'll get the ham and swiss she'll have the roast beef and cheddar." I say. "great I'll put that order right in and it will be out soon." The waitress says as she takes our menus. "so I know this is sudden but I know your lease on your place is coming up. So I was thinking you and can say no to this idea I won't be offended I promise. But would you like to move in with me." I ask nervously. "are you serious?" She asks me excitedly "yes I am" I laugh. "yes yes I would love to move in with you." She says as she leans over the table and kisses me. "I'm glad you said yes I already made a key for you." I say handing it over to her. Just as I'm about to speak again our food comes. "Enjoy" the waitress says as she hands us our plates.
Sarah's pov
"I forgot to ask you. How was work for you." I ask. " It was good went by pretty fast. I had two major surgery. Then just seeing patients. How's the food?" He asks. "um amazing. How did I not know about this place? I say with a smile. "I'm glad you like it. Next I'll have to cook for you." He says. "I have heard your cooking is good." I say with a flirty voice. "Oh really from whom" he says back with a flirty voice. "The whole medical staff. They rave about it." I say. While finishing dinner we continued to chat about life. After dinner we walked out into the crisp air. Mmm...Dinner was amazing." I say wrapping my arms around connors neck. I get up on my tiptoes and give him a kiss. "what was that for" he asks me "for the most amazing night." I say "well let's continue that amazing night with dessert at my place. We can even try out your new key." He says kissing me back. "Sounds good to me" I say as we head off to his car and back to his place. Soon to be ours.  

AN: hey guys sorry this took so long to get up. I just started another job and finding the time to write is hard. I do have a bunch of story lines I plan on writing just need to find time to write them. I hope you enjoyed this story as always feel free to vote and comment. I will try and get something up in a week or so but no promises.  

Reese and Rhode's One ShotsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora