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This chapter I'll (well technically the characters) will be answering your questions! If, after this chapter is published, you have anymore questions; they can be answered in the comments of this chapter! I think I'll enjoy doing is, it's very informal so it'll probably be fun.

Right let's get started!

First Question from @Food_Jesus for Rogue:

Do you eat shadows?

Rogue: Breakfast, Lunch and dinner.

Sting: but how?????

Rogue: the same way you eat light??????

Sting: but do shadows disappear after you eat them?

Rogue: That's not how physics work, of course they stay

Max: world hunger would be solved if everyone had your power....

Sting: *winks to hide insecurities* but not without light hahaha.

The next question is from @NakoNee-san for Riko.

Where the hell did you come from and how did you learn your magic?

Riko: by birth I am Noneofyourbusiness and I come from this beautiful land called Imnottellingyou and I learned my magic from someone called Nicetrybutnospoilers.

Akio: I'm sorry???? But what???

Riko: I'm not repeating it, you know how hard it is to say 5 words in only one?

Akio: What are you talking about?

Riko: *escapes very quickly*

Akio: Wait!

Marie: Riko always told me that she learned magic from her parents... But there always seemed to be gaps in her story.

Akira: that doesn't sound like the truth

Marie: she never brings up her childhood, or makes an effort to keep in touch with her parents...

Akio: strange...

The next question is again from @NakoNee-san for Max. Lolol

Can you chill maybe? You stress me out.

Max: Excuse me?!

Riko: he stresses me out too

Max: Hey! Your not allowed to say that about your guild master!

Riko: Lmao watch me.

Marie: Max don't listen to them!

(Y/n): if I've got to be honest-

Max: nope, you don't get a say in this. Shut up.

Marie: this is going to be stressful, I'll get some water...

Max: I need something stronger than that...

A few questions from @Wolfie_Silver_Galaxy the first one for Rogue:

How do you eat your element? Do you go around people eating their shadows? BTW, why are you so freaking cute!?

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