Part 25//Owen is back!

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Thursday 12th October 2017

Jake's Point Of View:

Erika has been a lot happier since she told me about her dad.I mean it's been 2 weeks since then so she is definitely over it,I think.Anyway,she is super excited cause Owen is coming back to LA tonight.His plane lands at 5:30pm and right now it's 7:20am.

"Morning gorgeous."I said walking into the bathroom and wrapping my arms around her waist.She made a pouty face in the mirror

"Morning.Im tryna do my makeup so don't nudge me else I'll have to start over."She said with a serious voice,I start laughing my head off

"Okay,Okay.Don't loose your beans.I know you think that I just say this to be a good boyfriend but I think you look better with no makeup on."I kiss the back of her head

"Thanks babe,but I think different.I look pretty grim with no makeup on,plus I'm on my period so I have a huge breakout."She turned around and poked my chest with her pointed finger

"Oh,Do you need any Advil or stuff for cramps?"I asked being the amazing boyfriend I am.(😂)

"I know you don't like getting them but,I'm low on tampons."She said handing me a box that I had to get

"Babe,I know that brand and type off by heart.I don't need to be reminded."I put the box back on the side


Erika's Point Of View:

Me and Jake are going to pick Owen up,but we are getting him from a parking lot cause my mom texted me and said he is fast asleep.My mom is going to Orlando tomorrow so she is staying in a hotel room for the night tonight.We would let her stay at the house but there is no room.Jake pulled into the parking lot and went to the third floor where Owen and my mom were.

I saw Owen in his stroller and my mom sat on a wall,I pointed at them and Jake parked into the spot next to them.We got out and me and Jake hugged my mom.

"Hey mom."I say giving her a hug.

"Hi Rik,Hi Jake."She said giving Jake a hug

"My Uber is here so I've gotta go,I love you all.Bye."She hopped into her Uber and drove away

"I feel like she always has to rush off,as if she never wants to see me."I say hugging Jake

"Don't think like that babe.She loves you."I kiss Jake's chin

"Thanks,lets get this little guy in the car."I say unstrapping the strap on his stroller.I pick him up and put him in his car seat and recover him in the blanket.

"Ready?"I asked Jake as he walked behind me.

"Yup."He replied Putting is head on my shoulder and arms around my waist

"I love you Jake,very much."I say sinking back into his chest

"I love you very much too."He pulled me closer and we just enjoyed the moment


Yo!Can we just talk about the new team ten house?Its soooo big.I kinda feel it's too big but that's probs cause it's empty af rn.But Yeah,I don't think Jerika is sharing a room but he never showed Tessa or Erika's room sooooo.I think that Jerika is gonna make it official on there '4 month anniversary'idk Y but I just think they are.Anyway,toodles


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