Part 34//Visiting

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Thursday 2nd November

Erika's Point Of View:

Jake had to leave yesterday.I wish he could have stayed a little longer cause I have nobody to talk to.Im just alone with my baby and my thoughts which I don't want to be left alone with,my thoughts are taking over me and I can't handle it.I decided to FaceTime Jake.

I called him,he answered on the 6th ring.He was holding his phone with one hand and cuddling Owen who was sleeping with his other.They were both laying on mine and Jake's bed.

"Hi babe,feeling any better?"Jake asked.I nod.

"A little.My stitches are not the comfiest and being wired up is really getting annoying."I say,he sighs.

"Awe.I wish I was there.Owen misses you like crazy,he won't stop crying but he's asleep now."He moved his phone to the left so I could see Owen better.

"I miss him and the rest of the squad."I say.

"How's the baby doing?"Jake asks.I flip the camera to show the wires on my stomach,the baby's heart monitor and then show him the heart beat screen.

"All good."I say.

"Jeez.You have like twenty wires connected to you."Jake adds.

"It's pissing me off to be quiet honest."


I wake up to the sound of bleeping.I hardly got any sleep cause I'm always bleeping,it's annoying.Jake told me that he is bringing the squad to visit me today,I'm happy about that.Im hoping that I can drop some wires today and hopefully the baby's wires too cause me and Jake don't want team10 knowing that I'm pregnant for a while.

I hear a knock on the door.Then it opens,it's a nurse.

"Hey Erika.How you feeling this morning?"She asks wheeling a cart into the room.

"Tired,but a lot better than yesterday."I smiled.

"So.Yesterday Doctor Marsh said you wanted to get some wires removed,correct?"She asks

"Yeah.Its really uncomfortable."I say putting my phone down.

"Luckily for you,we can get rid of all the monitors.You won't be wired up at all apart from your IV and a few other things.Although we will have to come and check the baby's heart rate,the baby's blood sugar and your blood sugar ever so often."She explains,I smile.

"Thank god."I say as she started peeling some of the baby's monitors off my stomach


The nurse was about to leave but I asked her a question.

"Will my boyfriend be able to bring me my clothes to wear?"I ask.She 'hmms'

"Hm.If they are baggy and comfy,nothing tight."She says.

"Will I be able to shower?"I ask,she nods.

"Sure you will.You just have to be careful,as you know you are extremely delicate right now.You have to be careful cause your baby is even more delicate."She says.I nod and she walks out.

I stretch being careful not to catch the stitches on the upper side of my left hip.I sit up and swing my legs out of the covers,I press my feet on the floor grabbing onto the bed.I step forward and let go off the bed,I slowly walked to bathroom.I washed my face with water and headed back towards my bed.

I sat there hoping that Jake would come soon with Team 10.


I heard the door click,I opened my eyes and saw my three year old child,Owen.

"Mommy?"He whispered.I smiled.

I turned my head to face him then my body.

"Hi baby."I say.He smiled and ran towards me,Jake stopped him.

"Be careful dude.Mommy is fragile,remember."Jake walks in and shuts the door behind him.

"Hi babe."He says to me,he pecks my lips and sits in the chair next to my bed.

"Where are the rest of the idiots?"I ask laughing.

"I told them I'll text them when to come,I thought we could talk about the baby cause we haven't actually properly talked about him."He says lifting Owen onto his lap.

"Him?We don't know the gender yet."I remind him.

"Oh I know.But I also know it's gonna be a boy."He smirks at me.

"Well I can tell it's a girl."I smirk back.

"What is you talk bout mommy and daddy?"Owen asks us,we look at each other.

"Nothing.It doesn't matter,how about you go play with daddy's phone while we talk?"Jake asks him,I smile at Jake as Owen nods.

Jake pulled up a game on his phone and handed it to Owen.

"So,baby talk."Jake says wiggling his eyebrows.

"I know some things."I shrug.

"Well I mean,I've never had a kid before."Jake shrugs back.

"Jake,your Owen's dad.Not by blood,but by heart.Your a real dad babe,don't let anyone tell you different."I hold his hand.

"Awe.Thanks."He says before kissing my hand.

"Pregnancy is hard."I say,he nods in agreement.

"I know.We need baby things,clothes and other stuff.Luckily we have the money."

"I didn't have the money when I had Owen,this pregnancy will be so much easier with money and a boyfriend."I prod his arm.

"Hey Uncle Toner!"We hear Owen shout.

Me and Jake look over to him.We don't hear what Anthony is saying but we hear everything Owen is saying.

"Right now!"Owen says.

"Yes,now.Goodbye."Owen ends the call and goes back on his game.Jake walks behind him and takes the phone from his hands.

"Who was that?"Jake asks him.

"Uncle Toner!He is coming now."Owen smiled.

"I guess that's fine."I say.

Jake picks Owen up and puts him on the bed next to me.I hug him and he hugs back snuggling his head into my chest.


After Team10 visited,I was super tired.Jake and Owen went home with the rest as it was the end of visiting times,it ended at 6 which is pretty early.

"Erika,we are here to check on the little one."My nurse says rolling her cart in.I nod and pull op my gown revealing my booty shorts that were underneath and my bare stomach.

"We are gonna try the ultrasound again."She says putting some gel on my stomach,she presses the wond on my stomach and started moving it around.

I look over to the little screen where there is a tiny baby with no arms or legs and a small heartbeat.


Sorry this wasn't out yesterday.I tried to write but I was really sick,I got sent to the ER in an ambulance which was pretty fun I guess you could say.Erika also was in the ER so get well soon queen E.Im gonna start working on the next chapter so Peace ✌🏼.


Be mine?//A Jerika fanfic 💗Where stories live. Discover now