Part 49//Its go time

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Thursday 21st June 2018

Erika's Point Of View:

I wake up relatively early,I decided to take a shower.

I had a long,steamy shower which felt really good on my skin.I felt super clean as my skin is always so oily while I've been pregnant.I put on some mascara and then change into some grey sweatpants and a baggy shirt which was white with a black nike logo in the middle.

"Wake up."I whispered into Jake's ear while fluffing up his hair.

"Morning."He mumbles.I kiss his nose.

"Morning.Im making some pancakes if you want some,I'm making them too Not postmating them."I giggle.

"I'll be down,I will feed Apollo."He says reaching for my hand.

"I'll get Owen up."I say.

Jake puts his hand on my chin and pulls my head down,we kiss a few times and then I go downstairs.

I make the pancake mix and then wake Owen before cooking them.

"Rise and shine."I say as I pull open his blinds.

He turns away from the light and hides his head under his covers.

"Time to wake up."I kiss his cheek.

"Is sissy?"He asks.

"No baby,Not yet."I shrug smiling at his cuteness of how excited he is to be a big brother.

I pull him from under the sheets and sit him on the side of the bed.

"You know the rule,give me the pacifier until we have eaten."I say holding out my hand.

"Mommy pweaseees.I promise I give it Mommy to eat my food."He pulls his puppy lip.

"Rules are rules,Cmon."I say pulling the pacifier from his mouth."You can have it back at nap time."I kiss his forehead and hold his hand.

We walk to the kitchen and I give him some chocolate milk in a sippy cup and he goes upstairs to find Chance and Anthony.

I let Apollo out in the backyard to use the toilet then I started cooking.


"Food is ready guys!"I shout as I put the last paper plate on the table.

I start cutting Owen's pancakes up into little pieces and then I put some cucumber sticks in the other section of his plate.

"Did you make this E?"Tessa asked me.

"Yeah."I smiled while stuffing my face.

"Your a talented cook Rik.These are really good."Chance compliments me.

"Thanks Chance."I reply.

We all ate like a family and talked about anything that popped into our minds.Tessa helped me talk Owen into eating his cucumber sticks because he needs to be healthy.

Be mine?//A Jerika fanfic 💗Where stories live. Discover now