Part 56//Its a family trip

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Erika's Point Of View:

Me and Jake decided on taking the kids because we would miss them too much.Im glad we changed our mind about that.

"Daddy!"Owen whines as he pulls on Jake's arm.

Right now we are checking in our luggage.Jake is trying to put the suitcases on the conveyor belt but Owen won't leave him alone.

"One second Owen."Jake says putting the last suitcase on the conveyor belt.

"Thanks guys.Can I have your passports?"The woman behind the counter says.

I look around in my bag for a while and finally find them.She checks them and gives them back.

"Thanks."Jake says as he holds Owen on his hip.

"Jeez that couldn't have gone any worse."I tell Jake,he nods and kisses my cheek.

"Look Owen,you can either walk or go back in the stroller what do you want to do?"Jake says putting Owen down.

"Uhhh.I wanna go in stroller."He says sitting back in his stroller.

I push Kasey while Jake pushes Owen.This is a lot harder than we thought it would be.

"Babe can we get some food?"I ask Jake.

"Yeah,I'm pretty hungry."Jake says.

We go into a small bakery and get some fresh pretzels and a few cookies.We next head to the bathroom because I needed to change Kasey.


"Flight 157 to Miami delayed."I heard the speaker say.

I looked at Jake and sighed.

"It got worse."I say referring to earlier when I said it couldn't get any worse.

Kasey is crying,Owen is watching a movie on his IPad,Jake is on a business call and I'm trying to soothe Kasey.

I took Kasey from her stroller and rocked her,she just ate a few minutes ago and I changed her not to long ago so maybe she wants attention.I kiss her forehead repeatedly until she finally falls asleep.I smile and put her back in her stroller wrapping a blanket around her small and precious 2 week old body.

I pull out my phone and text my sister Morgan while slightly pushing Kasey's stroller back and forth with my foot to keep her sleeping.Owen fell asleep so I took his ipad and put it in his backpack with some of his toys,snacks and his pacifier in then took off his headphones and put them in there too.

"Babe,I'm back."Jake says sitting back next to me.

"Hi."I say putting my phone down.

I lean onto him and sigh.

"Tired?"Jake asks me.

"Very."I yawn.

"Go to sleep baby,I'll wake you up when we have to leave."Jake says playing with my hair.

"I wanna stay awake."I tell him.

He nods and we just chill like that for a while...

3 days later

Today we are at the beach like we have most days.We sadly leave tomorrow,it's been a blast.

"Show me how you swim O."I say holding Owen's hand while we walk down to the water.

"Okieee!"He runs ahead and I giggle.

He jumps into the small waves and lays down kicking his legs around.

"You've nearly got it,I'm sure you will nail it soon."I tell him helping him up.

"I will,Daddy will help."He says meaning Jake,I think it's cute how he calls his stepdad his own dad.

"How about we get ice cream with daddy and Kasey?"I suggest.

"YEEEEEEESS!!!"He screams and runs away to the sunbeds where Jake and Kasey are.


Be mine?//A Jerika fanfic 💗Where stories live. Discover now