Part 27//Secrets p2

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Sunday 15th October

Jake's Point Of View:

I just drove.I didn't know where,I just drove.I knew that walking,or driving in my case,away from my problems wouldn't help,but I was just mad.Not mad,just upset and confused.I trust Erika with my life,but that trust has mostly gone now.I mean,if she told me when she did it I would of not been of upset but she didn't.Erika is my world,no she's my universe,my drug that I'm addicted to,the person I want a family with and the person that is a great mother to Owen.I try to be a good dad form to Owen,for him,for Erika and for me.Owen and Erika have changed me in a good way,Erika made me a better guy in general as I want to be my best for her,also she is my point of life.Owen makes me happy,seeing his sweet face everyday.He has made me patient,very patient.

"Daddy,where is mommy?"Owen asked me,I sighed

"Just sleeping bud.She wanted me to take you out so she could sleep."I said,I stopped the car outside a breakfast place.

"Why haven't you got dressed?"He asked.

"I forgot my shirt,I'll just get some merch out the trunk."I say,I go get a shirt then help Owen out the car.I forgot his shoes so I pick him up.

"Daddy?"Owen asks as we walk in.I nod


"Is mommy still angwy?"He looked up at me,I frowned

"I'm not sure little dude.Are you worried about mommy?"I put him next to me in the booth in the breakfast place.

"Well,me not like when mommy sad or angwy.But I like daddy all time."He hugged me,I smiled.

"Thanks bud.But I'm not your real daddy.You'll understand when your older."I sighed.I picked up the menu and hid my face behind it as I was on the verge of tears.

"Daddy.Can me have pancake?"Owen asks.I nod,then take the menu away from my face.

"With syrup?"I ask,he smiles

"Wes pwease!"He starts doing a little dance so I pull out my phone,record it and put it on my instagram story.

"Owen,stay here I'm just gonna go over there and order."I Point at the front counter then stand up and walk over there.

"Hey.What will your order be?"The woman asked

"Could I have 6 pancakes and a small chocolate milk please?"I pull out my wallet

"Yes,That will be ten dollars and fifty cent please."I handed her the money and sat back down.


Erika's Point Of View:

I've really messed up.As soon as Jake stormed out of our room I burst out into tears,I promised him and I broke it.I put my robe on and ran downstairs into Owen's room,he was gone.Then I hear the Tesla start up,i sat on Owen's bed next to Apollo and cried.I cried for a long time,a very long time.

My phone buzzed,I took it from my pocket and looked down.

Instagram-JakePaul posted on his story.See what he has shared.

I swiped and put in my password.It opened up and there I watched my son doing a dance and Jake laughing in the background.A tear dropped from my chin and onto Owen's sheets,I got up and text Jake



Me-I'm really sorry babe.I can see why you won't trust me again or maybe even forgive me but I'll always love you.

~Sent at 8:16am

💙Jakey💙-We need to talk.Ill be home at 9,be in our room.

~Sent at 8:19am

Me-I'll be there.❤️

~Sent at 8:19am

Off texts

"Tessa!"I scream walking up the stairs.She comes out of Chance and Anthony's room.

"Hey E.Morning."She hugged me.Then grabbed my hand and dragged me to her room.

"What's happened.Why are your red and puffy?"She asked,I sighed.

I pulled up my sleeve and looked away,she hugged me.

"It's okay E,did you tell Jake already?"She hugged me again

"Y-Yes."I gulped.

"He has gone somewhere with Owen.We are gonna talk when he gets home,he is really mad."I start tearing up.

"Dang it E.You really love this dude,no matter what happens I'll always be 'there for you'."(Peep Erika's new song)I smiled

"Thanks T."

Be mine?//A Jerika fanfic 💗Where stories live. Discover now