Part 28//We will never be broken

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Before I start I just wanna say I have a new book out.Go check it on my page

Jake's Point Of View:

"Erika,are you in there?"I ask knocking on our bedroom door.She comes and opens it.

I look at her puffy face,bloodshot eyes and messy hair.I felt bad,really bad.

I didn't say anything I just scooped her up and held her tight both of us not saying a word.Erika was crying and I was just about crying.

I should help her out,not just run away.There is a reason she cut herself and she needs me to help her through not just run away.What the actual fuck have I done?

"Erika.Im so sorry,I shouldn't have ran away.You need me and I fucked it up."I looked down at her crying into my chest.

"I-I'm sorry too.I should've told you sooner and n-never done it."She looked up at me.I took off her robe along with my clothes and dragged her to the shower,I turned on the shower and turned up the heat.

"Don't be sorry Erika,it's my fault."I say hugging her wet naked body.

"It's not babe.I feel bad,I'm so sorry."She jumped into my arms and put her legs around my waist and her head on my shoulder

"Let's forget about this.We are a strong couple that will never be broken,we will never be broken."


After having a shower we both got changed into some comfy clothes and sat on our bed cuddling

"Erika!Jake!Owen wants you!"Tessa shouted,me and Erika hopped out of bed.We walked downstairs holding hands.

"You guys made up."Tessa said hugging us both.

"Mommy!Hewooo!"Owen ran into Erika's arms,Erika smiled.


Monday 16th October 2017

"Morning Erika."I say hugging her,she hugs back.

"Ugh,I feel like shit Jake."She wined

"Why?Whats wrong?"I asked playing with her hair.

"I'm stressed,I feel ill and I'm just in a shit mood."She sighed,I kissed her forehead.

"I'll take care of Owen today.You can relax."I hugged her one last time and hopped out of bed.I brushed my teeth and Erika joined me,we changed and then I started my vlog.

"Hey JakePaulers!Today is obviously about to be lit,as always.If your new here I'm Jake Paul,this is my girlfriend Erika and that is Apollo.As always it lit in the Team10 house everyyy singlleeee day broooo."I turn off my camera and sit on the counter and talk to Erika while she does her makeup.

"Jake."Erika asked.

"Yeah."I replied

She started twiddling with her fingers and blushing,I giggle.

"What's up baby?"I ask still giggling

"I have b-baby fever."She looks up at me and smiles.

"Hmm?"I kinda just think about me and Erika having kids.

"I don't want a baby do you maybe think we could invite Taytum and Oakley over?"She gave me puppy eyes.

"Sure,no babies...yet."I smirked at her and she giggled

"I'll text them now."I said pulling out my phone.I sent the text and by that time Erika had done her makeup.

"Done."She zips her makeup bag up.

"Lookin' fine as fuck baby."I peck her lips.She tugs at the bottom of my shirt.

"Lookin' pretty fresh yourself."


Erika's Point Of View:

I bang on Tessa's door.

"Morning T!"I shout,she opens up.

"Sup pickle."She smirks at me.

"Haha?What?"I ask seriously.

"You and Jake got 'freaky in the sheets' last night huh?"She giggled,I pushed her.

"Shut up."I say blushing.

"Awe and she's blushing!"She shouts,I roll my eyes.

"Andddd that's my cue to leave."I wave and go downstairs into Owen's room,he wasn't awake so I just left him to sleep.

I made some egg whites and spinach and start eating it cause what else am I gonna do with it?😂

Jake walked downstairs and came over to me.

"Can I have some?"He asked,I nodded.

I stabbed a fork into my food and fed Jake.

"Pretty good."He says,I carry on eating.After I finish putting my plate in the dishwasher Jake points at me.

"Let me get that for you."He put his hands on my hips and licked my lip where I obviously had some food.

"Go relax."Jake says as I put some gum in my mouth

"I will."I jump on the couch and pull out my phone.

Be mine?//A Jerika fanfic 💗Where stories live. Discover now