Part 40//The christmas tree

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A/N-Thanks for the nice comments guys,it means a bunch and inspires me to write more for people that are thankful 🤘🏼

Saturday 2nd December

Jake's Point Of View:

I woke up to the feeling of something heavy on my chest.I look down to see it is only my pregnant girlfriend...hmm girlfriend,I better change that soon.

I put my hand over her shoulder as she was all tensed up,she relaxed.I smiled at my perfect angel asleep on my chest,I love her.I saw the time and my smile slowly faded,10:16.

"Erika,Erika.Babe."I whispered slightly tugging her arm.She made a grunting sound alerting me that she is awake.

"No."She mumbled into my chest.

"Babe.The Christmas tree gets delivered in like 10 minuets."I say taking out the elastic from her hair.

"I.Need.Sleep."She slaps my chest,rolls over to the other side of the bed,tugs the covers off of me and goes back to sleep.

"Whatever Erika."I mumble getting out of bed,I grab a sweatshirt and throw it on.

I run downstairs where everyone is.

"The tree just got here,it's over here."He points at where Nicks desk normally is.(a/n-they still live at the old TT house for now)

"Oh,I'm sorry.Erika didn't want to get up."I shrug walking over to the tree.It was a real tree,obviously it was green.It nearly touched the roof but it was a few inches away,perfect for the star to fit on the top.

"Erika has been sleeping a bunch lately."Tessa brings up,the others nod.

"She's a busy girl.Leave Her Be."I smiled.



I lift Owen,who had just woken up,on to my shoulders to put the star on the top.I go on my tip toes and he puts it on.

"Good job."I give him a high five and put him down.He hugs my legs.

"It looks great."Nick says walking in,we nod in agreement.

The tree had multicoloured lights and different sized ordainments with a silver star on top.

"I'm gonna wake Erika,she has had an extra two hours."I walk upstairs and into our room where she is still sleeping.She is a doing person,the baby is really messing her up.

I leaned over her and kissed her nose three times,her eyes shoot open.

"Afternoon."I say climbing next to her.

"Shit."She says,I laugh.

"Jake."She says as I pull her up next to me.


"I think we tell the squad about the baby.We will know the gender just before Christmas,they will be pissed if they know after we know the gender."She explains.

"Let's do it tomorrow.Tessa is leaving for dance soon,Chanthony is paint balling,Nick doing business as always and nobody else is here."I say,she nods.

"I uh,also have something else to tell you."She pouts and looks at the roof.

"Go ahead."I say intrigued.

"Jake.You know I love you as Owen's dad,your great at it,he loves you,you love him.A few weeks ago I went and tested Owen on his real dad.I absolutely love you being his dad in every way,shape and form but I want to see who the blood farther is."She pulls out an envelope from her side table.

"I get that."I shrug."The answer is in there right?"I ask.

"Yeah."She wrinkled her nose up.

"Open It then."I smile.

"Sure."Her voice cracked.

I was kinda sad but if I had a kid with a random girl,I would want to know who it was.

She opened it and pulled out some paper,she unfolded it and read it out.

"Name,Alfie Taylor.Age,23 years.Skin,white.Hair,Brown.Eyes,Blue."She pulled out a picture and handed it to me.

It was a muscular looking guy,good looking ish guy.

"It has a paragraph too."She says.

"I'll read it."I say taking the paper.

"Alfie is a full time gym trainer for a central LA company.He has a fiancé called Becky Wood and an American bull dog called Stephan.He loves sports as well as photography,nature and his career."I grab her hand.She sighs.

"I wish Owen was yours Jake."She frowned.I pulled her towards me and she puts her head on my shoulder.

"He is at heart,Not by blood but by heart."I stroke her hair.


Yo guys!Im actually in a great mood now,I realised I should just except it.Being positive is the best thing you can do in bad situations even though it's hard.Todays question is are you a boy or girl?Im a girl!Im about to watch the vlogs so I'll see you soon!Ily.


Be mine?//A Jerika fanfic 💗Where stories live. Discover now