Jack Maynard - Stone Cold

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Inspire by the Demi Lovato song Stone Cold. Hope you like it xx


Tonight may end up being the worst night of your life. Jack your now ex boyfriend would be at the party you were going to. But you weren't not going just because he was going to be there, you were going to dress up, have fun and show him you're an independent women who don't need no man.

You checked your makeup in the mirror before leaving. You were looking great but you felt the complete opposite inside.

"Why are you making yourself do this?" You muttered as you stared at your reflection in the mirror.

It had been just under 6 months since your break up from your 2 and a half year relationship. You friends would come back from a night out and tell you they saw him with a new girl. You weren't really bothered by him hooking up with random girls. What really hurt was when two months ago you found out he had a new girlfriend who was a drop dead stunning Victoria Secret model, that really did make you feel shit about yourself.

Beside all this you were doing okay, you just avoided thinking about him or bumping into him. But you knew you would be far from okay when you saw him tonight and god help you if she was coming with him.


You felt your nerves rising as you walked into the small club that your friends party was being held in.

"Y/n!" He greeted you and took your coat. " Go grab yourself a drink!"

You headed over to where the drink were and out the conner of your eyes you spotted him. He was sat with Joe, Caspar, Conor, Josh, Mikey and Oli. For a split second your eyes met. He looked shocked to see you, he gave you a small smile which you returned before he began scanning his eyes over your body. "Typical Jack Maynard" You thought.

Then suddenly he turned away quickly. A massive smile spread across his face as he got up to hug someone and take their coat. You didn't realise who it was until she sat down next to him.

It was her. His new girlfriend. You felt your heart sink. It was true. He'd found someone new.

You looked away quickly so they didn't see you looking.


You tried hard all night to distract yourself, you even flirted with a few hot boys but eventually your thoughts drifted back to him.

You had watched him and her all night. Watched them laugh and have fun, he looked so happy. You tried to pretend you were happy for him. But you weren't, you really weren't.

You got bored of socializing and sat down. Just as you sat a slow song that you and Jack used to dance to start playing. You took out your phone to try and distracted yourself but you couldn't help but look up as Jack dragged her to the dance floor as they were both laughing then pull her in close so they could slow dance. It felt like someone had just punched you in the chest. That was your song and he was dancing to with her like you didn't matter, like you never mattered.

He was dancing with her while you were sat staring at your phone.

You were sat in the corner hurting while he was laughing and having fun.

It took everything you had not the cry.


As you were leaving you walked outside to see Jack, all his friends and his girlfriend.

He was stood at the back of the group and as everyone was climbing in the taxi to your surprise he turned to look at you.

"Bye y/n" He said quietly but you heard it.

"Goodbye Jack" you replied.

You looked in each others eyes for a few seconds.

This felt like more than a casual goodbye, and it was. It was like the final goodbye. It meant goodbye forever.

That is true.

You looked at him one last time before walking away and never seeing him again.

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