Jack Maynard - More Than Freinds

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Sorry it's been so long since I've updated!
Prompts requested: "We're more than friends and you fucking know it!" "Do you want to kiss as bad as I do right now"

"Jack stop pining over her" Mikey laughed as he noticed Jack watching you from the opposite side of the club, you were stood by the bar playfully flirting with a man you'd just met.

"I am not!" Jack insisted.

"Sure you aren't" Joe and Conor mumbled sarcastically.

"Shut up" Jack replied still not taking his eyes off you.

You and Jack had been friends since childhood. You both used to be inseparable. As kids you were always the one crushing on Jack and he payed no attention to you at all. But now as you were both adults Jack had developed a massive crush on you, yes it does sound silly for your age but it's true. But Jack was used to girls practically throwing themselves at him so he had no idea how to tell you he liked you, especially because now you were the one basically paying no attention to him.

His grip tightened on the glass he was holding as he continued to watch you.

"Mate chill out before you break the glass" Conor said and gestured to your hand, your knuckles had almost began going white.

"Just go talk to her" Joe suggested.

"I can't, I don't know what to say" Jack replied.

"Just tell her how you feel" Joe said.

"You know what, okay. I'll do it" Jack announced as he rose to his feet.

Conor and Mikey were a bit shocked that he was actually about to do this.

"Good luck" Mikey said and Jack walked away.

"Y/n can I talk to you outside" Jack asked and practically dragged you with him, away from the man you were talking to before you got a chance to answer.

"Okay then" You mumbled and shot the man an apologetic look.

Jack pulled you outside.

"Are you okay?" You asked.

"I'm fine, I just need to talk to you" Jack replied, he sounded almost angry.

"About?" You asked.

"Us" He said simply.

"Us?" You repeated, confused. What exactly did he mean by us?

"Yes us, me and you" Jack gestured between you two.

"Umm there's an us?" You questioned.

"Y/n be honest with yourself, we're more than friends and you fucking know it!" Jack hissed.

You were taken back by his sudden outburst of anger.

"We are?" You asked quietly.

"Yes we are. But y/n I feel like you use me, when your bored you'll flirt with me and get my hopes up just to friend zone me when you find something better to do or someone new to fort with. I'm sick of it." Jack said, he sounded so hurt.

You never really thought of it that way, you thought he would never think of you that way. So you had only just realised what you had been doing.

"Jack, I'm sorry I-I didn't realise" You stuttered.

"Hey it's okay" Jack said and pulled you into a hug, this is how you always ended arguments. You hugged it out.

As you both pulled out the hug slightly you hesitated. Your fact millimetres away from his.

"Do you want to kiss as bad as I do right now?" Jack asked.

You wanted to scream yes! There was nothing you wanted more than to kiss him right now. But instead of answering you crashed your lips into his.

The kiss was so passionate and heated but also caring and gentle. It felt like fireworks were going off in your stomach. It was the most perfect moment ever. You wished you could stop time and stay here forever.

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