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There is a hard slap on my ass and I screamed in pain. I fell off the sofa with a thud and rubbed my butt, moaning in pain while cursing Helen. Ethan squealed and giggled.

"Si-Si is fwunny!" he giggled.

"I'll show you funny!" I said and swoop him up.

I blew raspberries on his stomach. Ethan squealed and giggled. I carried Ethan with me and brushed my teeth. I got everything ready and walked out. I had to take Ethan to preschool. I looked at the time and groaned. I'm going to be late. I sighed and walked out. I got in my car and buckled Ethan up in his carseat. I drove off to his preschool and dropped him off. It breaks my heart when he began to cry and  reach for me. I bend down and hugged him. Ethan sniffed and hugged me, tighter.

"I'm sorry, sweetheart. I have to go to school too." I sighed as I hugged him.

"N-No go." he hiccuped. "Stay."

I picked Ethan up and handed him to the teacher. "He'll be taken care of. Don't worry." she said, smiling at me. "Now, you should go before you're stuck here with him."

I nod my head and quickly ran put. I heard him crying loudly and calling me. That hurts. I got in my car and drove off. I reached the college and parked my car. I had the license on my car. When I race, I don't have the license on for safe measures. I got out and grabbed my bag. I looked at the school and sighed.

"Welcome back to hell." I muttered and walked in.

I took a seat at the back of the class. The professor walked in and began to lecture. It was on history. I yawned and stared outside, bored. After a while, class ended and it was lunch. After lunch, I go home. I was walking with my lunch when some jerk bump into me. My lunch spilled on me and I was furious. I spun around and glared up at him.

"Don't you ever watch where you're going, asshole?!" I snapped.

He turned around and scowled at me. "It's an accident."

"Accident my ass! You bump into me, making me spill my food on my clothes, and you ruined it!" I hissed.

The guy rolled his eyes. "Whatever. Don't get your panties in a twist. It's just a shirt." Yeah. A shirt that cost 70 bucks, asshole.

"Jerk!" I snapped and stomped out.

People were whispering.

"That girl talked back to Aiden!"

"Is she insane?!"

"He's like....a millionaire! He's friends with the Coleman twins' wife!"

"She might get sued!"

Well, sue me! Haha! Get it? Instead of screw- never mind. The author has bad humor.

(Mini Interruption)

Winter: HEY!!

Anastasia: It's true!

Winter: *mopes in the corner of the room*

(Back to story)

I walked out of the school. I feel this Aiden guy staring at me as I walked out. I got in my car or my baby and drove off to pick up Ethan. I was at the school. I picked up Ethan. He was happy in my arms. I found out that he is......not social. Any time a child come over, he ignores them and mind his own business. I should set up a play date for him. I put Ethan in his carseat and got in my seat.

"Ethan....why don't you hang out with the other kids? You'll make friends." I suggested as I drove.

"I don't want fweinds." Ethan replied and played with his toy cars.

I was silent for a while. "Well, damn! I'm such a bad influence." I muttered as I thought about my lonely self.

I parked the car at Helen's place and unbuckled Ethan. I carried him back inside our home or fire pit. I walked in and instantly, Ethan buried his face in my neck. I snuck in and crept up to my room, quietly. I heard snoring sounds, indicating me that he is asleep. I closed the door, quietly and placed Ethan down. He stayed quiet. For a three year old, he is very obedient and smart. I played with him, quietly when I heard a loud snort and ruffling sounds. Why do I have a bad feeling?


Ethan hugged me, tightly. I gently pried him off my body and picked him up. I quickly placed him in my closet and closed it. I walked down to the kitchen where he is waiting. Dave looks furious. He punched me in the nose and a loud crack echoed around the room. I'm pretty sure he broke it.

"You bitch! Where were you last night?! There was no dinner and you weren't there and that bastard child wasn't there either!" Dave shouted.

"I took Ethan to library to read while I study for my school." I replied, emotionless.

Dave raised his glass bottle and smashed it on my head. I collapse onto the ground and he kicked me, repeatedly. I heard a couple cracks in the ribs but I didn't cry or make a single sound. Why would I do that? Why would I let him be satisfied that he is breaking me inside. Dave finished and left, satisfied. I should move out. Yep. I should. I stumbled up and cleaned up my mess before limping up to my room. I walked in and opened up the closet. Ethan ran out and hugged me while shaking. I patted his head and winced. I slowly bend down to Ethan's height.

"Ethan. If that bad man ever comes up to harm you, I want you to grab anything and throw it at him. Just throw everything or something to hit him to buy you some time. After that, you run over to Helen's house and banged on the door. If she's not there, hide in the bushes and wait. Got it?" I croaked out.

Ethan nod his head. I slowly got up and winced. I limped to the bathroom and cleaned myself up. After that, I wrapped bandages around my body. When I finished, I got in bed. Ethan got in with me. I hugged Ethan, tightly.

"If I'm still alive, you will not be harmed. I won't let any harm come to you. I promise you that." I murmured and fell asleep with Ethan wrapped in my arms, protectively.


Winter: *wince* Ay.....how depressing! Don't forget to vote and comment away! Byyyyyyeeeeeee!!!!! *waves arms in the air like a crazy girl at the readers*

Readers: *shudders*

Aiden: *shudders* I met the she-demon.....I'M GOING TO DATE HER?!

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