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I was spitting broccoli out in my napkin.

"Seriously..." Aiden deadpanned.

"I hate broccoli." I huffed and crossed my arms.

"Be more like your little brother." Aiden sighed, nodding towards Ethan who had a look of disgust on his face and spat the broccoli out on his plate. "Never mind..."

"Sorry, big bro but.... broccoli are disgusting..." Anya said, scrunching up her nose and forced herself to swallow the disgusting green trees.

"We should be saving trees." I said, rolling my eyes.

"Trees? When were trees a part of this conversation?" Aiden deadpanned.

I held up the broccoli. "This broccoli looks like a tree! We're trying to save the planet by not killing anymore trees!" I protested.

"Broccoli and trees are different. Trees are not all green and they're not edible like broccoli." Aiden said, annoyed.

"So broccoli is not edible since they are trees." I said.

Aiden was silent before he threw his hands up in the air. "I give up!"he declared and got up, walking out.

"There's no crime in hating broccoli." I said and got up. "Excuse me."

Aiden is sneaking around the sofa.

"What's that?" I asked, making him jump and shove whatever he is hiding under the sofa.

"Nothing!" he said and whistled, getting up. "Hey! Let's go to Angel's place! I want to see how she's doing!"

We went to Angel's place. Angel is sobbing while Xavier is freaking out, trying to calm her down. The house is hectic. I mean... like... clothes everywhere on the ground... broken vases... you all get the point, right?

"Where's Adam?" I asked, rising my voice over Angel's sobs.

"Business trip for a week!" Xavier called. "She wants Adam but he's not here!"

"I-I-I w-w-w-want D-D-Daddy A-Adam!!!" Angel wailed.

"Good Lord..." Aiden whistled out.

"I wonder why does she always want Adam?" I wonder to myself.

"Cause Adam wasn't a dickhead like the other twin." Aiden said, looking at me. "I mean... Xavier was pretty cruel to her... karma I think?"

I looked at Xavier. "Really? I thought he was a big baby..."

Xavier threw himself down on the ground. "I'm sorrrrrrryyyyyy!!!!"

"Aye..." I sighed and patted Xavier's back.

"No touch!" Angel snarled, biting at my hand.

My hand shot back. "Woah! Bipolar!"

After hanging out at the Coleman place, we were going to Ethan's preschool to pick him up. I parked my car and walked out, hand in hand with Aiden. We walked in the school.

"Hi. I'm here to pick up Ethan Stone. I'm his older sister." I said.

"Oh! He's already been picked up by your mother, Diane Colton." the woman said.

I turned pale and my hand grew slack. "Excuse me? That woman is our mother?" I snarled.

"I-Is she not?" the woman asked, worried now.

"I don't know that woman! I am his only relative! His last name is Stone!" I shouted at her, pissed. "You should be fired!"

I stormed out with Aiden following me, worried now. I was calling Jace, explaining to him what happen. I got in the car and Aiden jumped in. I zipped out of the place and drove home. I stormed in, slamming the door open with a loud bang.

"Don't slam the door!"

I walked up to my room and kicked the table over with a loud crash. Aiden ran in and hugged me, tightly.

"I'm sneaking into that damn house if that's the last thing I'll ever do..." I sniffed, angrily as I hugged Aiden.

"What did Jace say?" Aiden asked.

"To meet him tonight at my old house. We're going to expose those two bastards."

"Huh.... Be careful- Wait... what the hell am I talking about? Screw being scared! I'm coming with you!" Aiden said to me, determined.

"It's best that you stay here for YOUR SAFETY!!" I yelled as he ran out. "Damn it... he didn't hear me!"


Winter: I am sorry.... I guess I 'disappeared' for awhile....

Anastasia: *throws apples at Winter* Die!

Winter: *gets hit* Ouch! My bad! I mean... this book might end soon... Just a 5... or 7 more chapters I think? I don't know! I'm a human too! I get busy every now and then!

Aiden: *tosses pie at Winter* Suffer.... You forgot about us again..

Winter: It's called writer's block!

Writer's Block: *glares at Winter* Yah... Blame it on me...

Winter: ...

Aiden: ...

Anastasia: ...

Dylan: *pokes head in and sighs before ending chapter*

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