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I woke up to Ethan missing from my arm. I panicked and jump up. I ran out of the room.

"ETHAN?!" I shouted as I ran around looking for him.

I ran into the kitchen to see Ethan with Angel. I was shaking. I collapse onto the chair, holding my chest.

"Don't do that!" I shouted and angry tears well up to my eyes. "I thought Ethan was kidnapped by that asshole!"

"S-Sorry." Angel mumbled. "He woke up and was hungry. I came in and he held his arms up to me while demanding me for food."

I was silent before I slump down onto the table. "I'm done."

I got up and yawned while walking back to the room when I felt Ethan hugging my leg.

"I sowwy...." Ethan sniffed as he hugged my leg.

I looked down at his small figure and petted his head. "It's ok. I'm not mad at you, sweetheart." I said, softly. "Now, let me go back to sleep, honey. You play and be a good boy to Mrs. Coleman, ok?"

"Yes, Momma..." Ethan mumbled. I stiffened. Momma?

Ethan looked up at my surprised face. "Momma?" I asked, strained.

"Yeah. You are my Momma. You take care of me instead of the mean woman so you are my Momma." Ethan replied. Oh no. The tears.

I ruffled his head. "Then, I'm glad that I'm your Momma." I said, smiling at him. "Now, seriously....I'm exhausted."

I pried Ethan off and bend down, kissing his cheek. I walked up to my room and flop onto my bed. I instantly fell asleep.

(Time Skip)

I woke up again but this time at 5 in the afternoon. I got up with my bed hair and walked downstairs, yawning. I walked to the living room, rubbing my eyes to see the twins and Angel playing with Ethan.

"Good morning." I yawned.

"It's afternoon." Adam chuckled.

"Whatever." I mumbled and sat down, lazing out on the sofa. 

My stomach let out a growl and I got up.

"I want food." I announced and walked to the kitchen. I threw open the refrigerator door. "Wowza! Еда!"

"You speak Russian? Our Angel speaks French."

I looked up to see Xavier. I waved. "Sup."

Xavier and I talked. I was making bacon for myself to eat, of course when I felt a pair of arms around my leg.

"Hungwy." Ethan mumbled as he hugged my leg.

"Ok. I'm making some bacon. Do you want some?" I said while popping a strip of bacon in my mouth. "Argh!! Hot! Hot! Hot! Hot! Hot!"

Xavier laughed as I was frantically fanning my mouth. I stopped and blew on a piece. I made sure that it was warm before bending down and feeding the piece to Ethan who ate it, happily.

"Bacon! I wike bacon!" he cheered, happily.

"That's my man!" I cheered and fist pump the air while picking Ethan up. "Bacon is the life!"

Ethan and I were chanting 'bacon' while Xavier is choking on his laughter. Angel and Adam walked in. They both snickered at the sight. My phone rang and I picked it up.

"Hello?" I replied.

"Are you going to be at the race today?" Jace asked me.

I was silent for a while. "Probably not. I ran out of that fucker's place just yesterday so...I'm having a break." I said.

"Ohh! Ok. Just tell me if you want to race. Bye!" Jace said and hung up.

I hung up and Angel began to hit me with a spatula. "How dare you say bad words?! In front of a child too! You're such a bad example! Bad!"

"Ouch! That hurts! Ow! Xavier! Adam! Stop your evil wife!"

Ethan got down and began to hit Angel's leg. "No! No hurt Momma! Bad!" Ethan shouted as he hit Angel's leg.

I cheered him on while the twins roared with laughter. "Go Ethan! Save Momma from the evil witch!"


Winter: Sorry! No, I didn't die! I was watching anime and school work....I just....needed a break from writing books soooooo......I decided to take a break! Sorry! Anyways, don't forget to vote and comment away! Bye!!!

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