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A month and 3 weeks pass. I felt pretty confident that Dave won't bother me and Ethan again. I was hesitant about taking Ethan to school so I let him stay home today, just in case. As for I.............. I have to go to college. I was pecking Ethan's cheek.

"Be a good boy to your teacher, Aunty Angel, Uncle Curly, and Uncle Browny." I said to Ethan, pecking his cheek.

"Why am I Curly?" Adam muttered.

"Beats me. I would rather be Curly than Browny." Xavier muttered as Angel snickered.

I ignored them, smiling at Ethan. "If you hear them having sex, open the window and scream 'My aunty and uncles are having sex' at the top of your little lungs." I cooed, making Ethan giggle.

Angel and the twins flushed red. "Oooo! Go to school already!"

Angel practically kicked me out of the house as I laugh. "До свидания!" I yelled. (A/N: That's Russian if you don't know and it means 'good bye')

The twins and Angel waved a bye to me. I got in my car and drove to college. I parked my baby and got out. I walked into class, surprising the professor. I sat down and crossed my legs. Class went by and it was lunch. I had an apple and cookie with me as always. I bit into my apple, feeling at peace.


I scooted over a seat, making Jordan smashed right into the edge of the table. That's gotta hurt. He looked up, happily with blood streaming down his nose. I handed him a napkin which he used to wipe his nose. Dylan and Aiden came. Dylan ruffled the top of my head.

"Long time no see, Anastasia." he greeted.

"Sup." I replied and took another bite out of my apple.

"Why don't you eat some pasta? It's de-lish!" Jordan said as he held his forkful of pasta out to me.

"An apple a day keeps the doctors away." I said with my mouthful of apple. "Oops."

Bits of the chewed up apple splattered on Aiden's face. He grimaced in disgust and wiped his face clean.

"It was better when you were gone." he muttered.

"Sucks to be you cause you're going to be stuck with me for 4 years." I replied as I swallowed.

"Or cause Aiden has a crush on you~" Jordan sang. Crush? On me?

Aiden and I glared at Jordan. "I WOULD NEVER DATE THAT STUCK UP BITCH!" "ASSHOLE!" Aiden and I shouted while pointing.

"They are somehow-what similar...." Dylan said as he stared at us.

"They would make great babies together!" Jordan said, dreamily.


I got up, angrily and stomped out of the cafeteria. I got in my car and drove back to the mansion. I reached the mansion and got out, slamming the door behind me. I stormed into the mansion, pissed off. I slammed the door shut with a loud bang and stomped to the kitchen.

"ANGEL!!" I yelled in a piss off tone.

Angel came running towards me. "Yeah?"

"How do you stand that bipolar jerk?! He's so.....so.....so......UGH!" I said in a piss off tone before storming off to my room.

"She needs a chill pill..." Angel muttered.

"Do not!"

(Time Skip)

I had on earbuds as I walked to my next class. I was listening to 'Trumpets' as I walked to my destination. Jace was waiting for me outside my class. He is attracting a lot of attention. He noticed me and got off the wall. He held out an envelop to me.

"Your prize money that we split and you forgot to grab your portion." Jace said.

"Can you get me in one of the races for tonight?" I asked.

"Sure. I'll you later to let you know. Bye." Jace said and kissed the top of my head.


I walked inside and class started. After class, my phone rang. I picked up.

"Do you think that you can come over right now?" Jace asked. "They're having a special today right now and it's two times the amount bet if you win."

"I'm in." I said. "I'll be there."


Jace hung up and I walked right out of class, ignoring my professor's call. He made it out with me. He is actually pretty young.

"Where are you going?" he asked me.

"I have family troubles. My little brother is really sick and....and I have to be there for him!" I said, pretending to sob. "He'a the only family I have left! I'm sorry that I have to leave you class."

He looked at me with pity and released me. "Ok. I'm sorry about your brother. I hope he feels better." Jackpot.

"Thank you, professor." I sniffed and quickly left. Once I was in the car, I closed the door and snickered. "He is easily deceived."

I drove off the university campus and drove to the underground race track. I dressed up in my car and put on my helmet. I got out and saw Jace. He waved me over.

"Ok. I got you in. You have to wait until it's your turn." Jace said.

"You're the best, Jace. Thanks." I said.

"No prob." Jace said. "Let's win this!"

"Hell yeah!" I whooped and put on my helmet.

I drove to the track starting. I took out my stress and annoyance to the race. I won again. First place. I walked out. Jace went home first. I got in my car and drove to home or hell. I left some stuff there. I got out and slowly snuck in. I grabbed some clothes.

"So...you're back." sneered a voice. How I regret coming back.

"Should've bought them." I muttered and looked up to see Dave. "Think fast."

I broke the window and threw my stuff out quickly. Dave lunge and I jump out. I heard a nasty crack as I landed on my right leg. I hissed in pain and picked up all of my stuff before limping to my car. I drove off with a loud screech, breaking the laws. This is a matter of life or death here so it's totally worth getting a ticket. I looked around and stopped. I saw Aiden with two guys and a little girl on the grassy front. My right leg is throbbing and I don't want Ethan to see it. I thought for a long time before groaning and thump my head on the wheel. I should've bought the clothes!


Winter: I'm so sorry!!! I had writer's block or something like that for a while!!! I feel really bad!! Forgive me!!!

Aiden: No one forgives you cause you forgot about us! Cruelty to book characters!!

Winter: I so sorry....

Anastasia: *shakes head as Aiden is scolding Winter* Don't forget to vote and comment away! Bye!

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