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"Ethan.... You're suppose to wear your underwear underneath your pants.. not the other way around..."

I was sitting on the sofa, covering my mouth trying my very best not to laugh out loud as Aiden tried to teach Ethan how to put his clothes on.

"It's wight! Si-Si told me that!" Ethan said.

"Ah...." Aiden said, glaring at my shaking form on the sofa. "I'll have a talk with your big sister...."

Aiden nearly strangle me. "You asshole!" he whispered hissed.

I only looked at him, innocently. "You said you wanted to teach him how to put on his clothes so I helped by having him wear his underwear outside his jeans."

"I thought it was going to be easier but I guess wrong..." Aiden said, glaring at me.

I laughed and got up, holding Scar in my arms. I walked into the kitchen and placed Scar down. My phone rang and I picked up.

"Hello?" I said as I opened the fridge.

"Um.... It's Angel... Can you come over to my place? It's... urgent..." Angel said. She sounds really scared.

"I'm on my way." I said, quickly. "Give me 5 minutes."

"But it takes half an hour to come to my place! Anya, please don't do anything stupid-!"

I hung up on her. "Offensive." I said, rolling my eyes. "Aiden! I'm going to Angel's place!"


I walked out of the house with my car keys. I drove off to Angel's place, breaking every single rule. I did reach Angel's home in 5 minutes! I ran up to the door and knocked on the door, rapidly. Angel opened the door and blinked at me. She rubbed her eyes in disbelief before looking at the clock. 

"You broke every single rule there is to driving, right?" Angel asked me before letting me in.

"No comment. What's the S.O.S?" I asked, looking at her.

Angel handed a package to me. I held the package and looked at the title. I turned pale and looked at Angel.

"No way...." I whispered.

Angel's eyes began to water and she nod her head. "Yes way."

"Where are the twins?" I asked her. "Do they know about this or something?"

"They're at work and they don't know!" Angel wailed. "I don't know how to tell or show them! Do they even want kids?! What if they don't?! What do I do?!"

I placed my hands on her shoulders. "I will fucking rip their heads off and feed their dicks to Aiden." I said with a serious look on my face.

Meanwhile at Aiden's home...


Ethan looked up at Aiden. "Ai, sick?"

"No.... I just felt like someone talked trash about me.... you know... like in an anime?" Aiden said, trying to explain to Ethan who looks confused. "Never mind. Let's get back to putting your shirt on your upper half... not your bottom half like your sister said..."

Back at Angel's house....

I was waiting outside the bathroom for Angel to do the test. The door bang open, nearly hitting me if I hadn't jump back in time.

"Positive!!" Angel cried out, holding the test package.

"I thought I died..." I muttered. "Positive you said? That's.... good?"

Angel looked like she is going to cry as she handed the package to me. I read the package again to make sure that she is seeing right.

"Yup... positive." I confirmed.

"What am I going to do?" Angel sobbed.

"Surprise them!" I said. "You're into that DDLG shit right? I believe one of their rules is to not lie."

"Yeah..." Angel sniffed.

"So.... when they get home, tell them or surprise them. I will stay here for your sake." I said. "I'll go buy some baby clothes and put it in a gift bag."

"Can I come?" Angel asked.

I looked at her for a while. "No. I don't feel like being surrounded by the media, wife of the twins who are the world's richest businessmen." I deadpanned. "Stay home. I'll bring pickles."

"Pickles?" Angel asked, excitedly. "Ok! I don't even like pickles but why do I feel so excited...."

"The little nugget seems to love pickles." 

I was at the store, buying pickles and two sets of baby clothes and other baby stuff. I had them all wrapped, including the pickle jar. I drove back to Angel's home and noticed the twin's cars. Oh shit... I ain't ready. Oh well. I walked in.

"Merry Christmas! I brought gifts from Santa!" I shouted.

"It's March..." Adam deadpanned as Xavier is howling with laughter.

"Oh.... Happy Saint Patrick's Day!" I corrected. "I did brought gifts to my lovely saviors!"

I handed the 10 bags to the twins and the pickle jar with a bow on the top to Angel.

"Oi... 5 for each." I said to the twins and sat down.

"Thanks?" Xavier said.

I placed two positive tests that Angel did in two of the bags. The twins opened them and took out weird stuff.

"A pacifier?" Adam said as he held up a pacifier.

"Um... baby bottle? Aren't these for Angel?" Xavier asked and took out the package. "Oh... a pregnancy test package."

He placed it aside and froze. "Wait what?!" the twins shouted.

I pretended to wipe a tear out of my eye. "I'm so proud of you two for reading."

"Shut up for a minute, Anastasia." Adam commanded.

I zipped my lips and crossed my legs, waiting. In 10 seconds, the twins both shout in joy and ran to Angel, picking her up and swung her around.

"We're going to be fathers!" the twins shouted, happily. "We're throwing a party!"

"Adios. I'm out. I have a race tonight." I said.

"Well, cancel it!" Adam said, excitedly as Xavier is kissing Angel, happily.

"Nope. I need money." I said and picked up my keys. "If you still want me to come, I would come a tad bit late."

"Ok! It doesn't matter! At least you come since you were the one to calm Angel down from freaking out!" Xavier said as he shook my hands.

"That's ten thousand dollar for the service." I said.

"You're an ass, you know that right?" Adam deadpanned.

"I know. I'll see you guys later tonight!" I laughed and left. 


Winter: Hey! At least I updated, right? Right?!

Aiden and Anastasia: .... No comment..

Winter: I was being productive....

Anastasia: Meh.

Angel: *jumps up and down, clapping her hands* Yay! Go, Boss Lady!

Winter: Out of all of you assholes, I like Angel the best... Anyways! Vote and comment away!! Bye!! *waves at readers*

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