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I was in class, slowly dying. The bell rang and I shot up. I was the first out of the room. 

"Freedom!" I shouted, relieved.

"Yes, freedom... We know that you hate school... I still can't believe that you left me!"

I turned around to see an unhappy Jordan. "Wassup, Jordan!"

Jordan huffed, making me laugh. We both walked to the cafeteria. Nancy made lunch for me. It's as if she is trying to show me what mothers could do. I lost the feeling of having a mother a long time ago... It would be nice to know that someone motherly cares for me. I sat down beside Dylan. I took out my lunch and opened it. My eyes widened at the sight of the homemade soup Nancy made for me. 

"Woah..." I said in awe. "The only soup I've eaten is the one that comes from the can. Is this homemade?"


I looked up to see Aiden taking a seat beside me. "Mom made the same thing for me and it's her famous chicken noodle soup," Aiden remarked as he opened his container. 

"фантастический!" I said in awe. (Fantastic!)

I took a sip and squealed. "очень вкусно!" (Very tasty!)

"I don't speak Russian. I speak French, Spanish, and English." Jordan said as he sat down.

"I'm taking a... Russian class." Aiden said as he blushed a bit.

"Just now." Dylan snorted. "You wanted to learn Russian but who would've thought that it was for someone you hate."

"Not anymore. We had a start over yesterday night." Aiden said while I nodded my head and stuff food in my mouth.

"Grandbabies. We're going to have beautiful children created by them." Jordan sniffed to Dylan who snickered and nods his head in agreement.

"Hahah. Laugh it up." Aiden deadpanned while I continue to scarf the soup down. "Oi! Don't touch my soup!"

"It's good! I've never had homemade soup before! I had canned soup!" I protested and grabbed his container, gulping his soup down.

"Give me your cookie in return!"

"No way! It's my cookie!"

Aiden grabbed my cookie and stuffed it into his mouth. "Good cookie."

"I'm telling Nancy on you," I muttered as I wiped my mouth. "She made that cookie for me."

"Sucks," Aiden remarked.

The bell rang. 

"We still have class except for Aiden. You guys could either go home or wait for us." Dylan said as Jordan got up.

"I'm going home. I have to pick up Ethan." I responded and got up.

"I'm going with her. She took me here on her car." Aiden said and got up.

"Bye, OTP!" Jordan chirped and ran off to class.

"I call dibs on burning his body," I said to Aiden.

"I'll do the slaughtering part then," Aiden concluded.

The two of us walked out of the school and into my car. I plugged the keys in the ignition and I drove off. Aiden is fiddling with my papers in the car.

"Don't mess up my paperwork, child," I said, annoyed.

"No promises."

I reached Ethan's new school and got up. I walked in and signed out before picking Ethan up. 

"Are you... Ethan's mom?" a woman asked me.

"No. His older sister." I responded.

"I'm sorry but your little brother um... tends to outcast himself from the others like a lone wolf. We're trying to get him to talk to the others and he refuses to bond together with other kids his age. I suggest you should try to set him up in some environment that lets him be more sociable with other kids his age." the woman said.

"Ok. I'll try to plan one. Thank you." I said and walked in.

I found Ethan sitting by himself surrounded by toy cars and near the bookshelf. He is looking at the picture books. 

"Ethan," I called.

Ethan looked up and grinned at me. A boy is staring at him with longing in his eyes. To probably become friends. I walked over to Ethan and crouched down.

"Ethan, don't you want to make friends?" I asked him.

Ethan frowned. "No. I only wike Si-Si." 

"How about making friends with that boy?" I asked, nodding to the boy who is looking at Ethan with longing in his eyes.

Ethan turned around and stared at him before sighing. "Ok."

"That's the spirit!" I said, smiling at him. 

Ethan walked over to the boy. He looked surprised to see Ethan standing in front of him. Ethan had on a plain face.

"Hi. Do you want to be fweinds?" he asked.

The boy nodded, eagerly. "Sure!"

I wanted to cry with happiness as the two talked for a bit. "My little brother is not some unsociable weirdo!" I sobbed and rubbed my eyes.

"Oi. You take too long."

I looked up to see Aiden, scowling in annoyance. Girls were fawning over him and twirling their hairs while fluttering their eyelashes at him.

"Sorry, Aiden. I'm sort of trying to get Ethan to make some friends and not be some unsociable weirdo." I said as I turned back to the talking boys. "Look! Aren't they adorable?!"

I was squealing over them. Aiden sighed and facepalmed himself. I was erupting with hearts all over my body like in some kind of anime or cartoon. I couldn't help myself! They're both so cute together! I got up and looked over at Aiden who is pretending to sleep on the chair. Oops! I walked over to Ethan.

"Ethan, it's time to go home. Say goodbye to your friend. You'll see him tomorrow." I said, gently.

"Ok, Si-Si. Bye, Eden!" Ethan said and waved at the boy.

"B-Bye, Ethan!" he replied back and waved.

I smiled at Eden before walking out with Ethan and Aiden. I seatbelted Ethan to his car seat.

"I don't like Eden," Ethan said as I finished.

I banged my head on the roof. Aiden is roaring with laughter. "Excuse me?" I asked in disbelief. His English improved a bit.

Ethan looked at me. "I don't like him. He's weird." Ethan remarked and wrinkled his nose. 

"We're going to have a talk about this later, young man..." I said and closed the door. "Jesus... this kid..."

Aiden snickered. "Amazing brat."

I glared at Aiden. "Don't call him a brat, Anderson."

"Sorry. Sorry."


Winter: I should be writing this story but at the same time I shouldn't.....

Aiden: Why?

Winter: Because school is important right now...

Anastasia: I hate school.

Winter: Me too.

Ethan: I hate humans.

Winter, Aiden, and Anastasia: *looks over at Ethan with their eyes wide*

Winter: Holy pineapples! He turned into mini Levi from Attack on Titans!

Anastasia: *buries face in hands* I'm a horrible model...

Aiden: You think?

Winter: Anyways! Don't forget to vote and comment away! See ya all in a while cause it will be a slow update due to school and life! *waves at readers*

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