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I woke up on the floor again, covered in blood. Ugh. That bastard beat me yesterday for not doing his laundry. I groaned and got up. A trail of blood is running down my head. I'm not going to let Ethan see me like this. It would scar him for sure. I walked up to the kitchen. I saw Mom standing there, making breakfast. She looked up and gasped in horror.

"How did this happen to you, Anastasia?!" she gasped out as she turned off the stove.

"Your loving husband did this to me." I sneered and walked to the sink.

I wash the blood off and grabbed the first aid kit. I lifted my shirt up and apply the bandages around my ribs. 

"Where's Ethan?" Mom asked.

"With the babysitter. You weren't really a great mom so I took the job as the mom to take care of him." I replied, simply and left the house. "Stupid bitch of a mom." I had mutter that end to myself.

I walked over to Helen's house and walked in. Grounding is over and I was snuggling Ethan all day while he cried, hugging me. He couldn't stand being away from me. Helen tend my wounds as I held a sleeping Ethan.

"You should really move, Sia. This is getting too much. I mean you could become Ethan's legal guardian." Helen said.

"Too lazy to sign papers." I replied.

"I knew it." Helen sighed in exasperation. "Go to bed. You have school tomorrow."

"Sadly." I muttered and walked off to bed with Ethan in my arms.

(Time Skip)

I was munching on my apple at the school cafeteria.

"Why do you always eat apples for lunch everyday?" Jordan asked as he stuff a fry in his mouth. "You should eat some pizza, hamburgers, you know...comfort food."

"No thanks." I replied and crunched on my apple. "An apple a day keeps the doctor away."

Dylan looked at me for a while before shoving a bowl of spaghetti towards me. I stared at the spaghetti and shoved it towards Dylan. 

"I'm fine." I protested and crossed my legs. Bad idea. A shock of pain from my leg shot through my brain. I slowly placed my foot down, uncrossing my legs.

"No way. You have to eat." Dylan said and narrowed his eyes at me. "Are you going on a diet?"

"No. I love food." I mumbled and picked up the bowl. "Ethan goes first."

"Now this Ethan guy sounds really shitty." Jordan said, wrinkling his nose. "You have to eat with him all the time?"

"Yeah." I muttered and closed the top of the leftover spaghetti. 

I got up and left. I walked to my car and placed the wrapped up bowl in the seat.

"Woah....this is your car? You're pretty loaded."

I jumped and whirled around to see Aiden. He stared at my car. I scowled at him and got in my car. I slammed the door shut and turned on the engine. I slammed my hand on the steering wheel. My forehead was pressed on the wheel. Just the sight of that jerk, infuriates me somehow. He didn't even do anything to me yet....just the sight of his face, pisses me off. Aiden was still outside, staring at my baby. I moved forward and drove slowly to the outside. I looked both side before pressing on the pedal. I sped off, leaving a trail of dust behind. I had a race tonight anyways. 

(Time Skip)

I was dressed up in my racing outfit. My breasts pressed against the fabric, tightly. Today, I'm so going to win the Cup like I always do every year. Jace was checking up my engine. I was snapping my gloves on my hands. My helmet was polished and shining. Guys were getting ready to race and win the Cup like I am. They would glance over at me, wearily. They know me. Shadow the year round winner. Jace snapped the lid down with a grunt.

"Alright. You're good to go." Jace said, wiping his sweaty forehead. "Ethan and Helen are up there in the stands at the front row."

I looked up and saw them. Ethan was looking around, excitedly. Helen was pointing out the cars to Ethan. I smiled.

"Will all racers please get in their vehicles and drive to the starting line. The Grand Cup race is about to begin."

"Well....it's time, Sia. Win this again." Jace said and hugged me.

I hugged him back. "For Ethan." I joked.

"Bitch please. It's for me." Jace scoffed.

We both laugh before we split up. I got in my car and drove to the starting line. A girl in a lingerie walked out. She held up the flags and flashed the green flag. We were off. I was ahead as always. I had my foot stomped on the gas pedal. I sped through. A car caught up to me. It ram into my baby! Oh hell no. I was furious. My grip on the steering wheel tightened. I increased the speed and made sharp turns. I'm going to show that bastard! How dare he injured my baby like that?! One more lap and I win. A car ram into the end of my car. I gritted my teeth and spun my car around. I was driving backwards. The crowd was wild. They chanted my racing name as I crossed the finish line. I won the Grand Cup. I stopped my car with a loud screech and got up. I slammed the door and checked up on my baby.

"I could fix that, you know..." Jace deadpanned as he shoved me up to the stage to get the cup.

"B-But my baby!!" I cried out, reaching towards my poor Lamborghini. 

"Go get your reward, you obsessed bitch."

I huffed and got up. I was handed the trophy and the prize money. I took off my helmet. My auburn hair flow down and the crowd went wild again. I held up my trophy, proudly as pictures were taken. Jace had fixed up my car in a couple seconds. He is a really talented engineer. I stood in front of my car with Jace. We both flashed a beaming smile at the cameras. 


I looked up to see Ethan running towards me with Helen. They both look excited and happy. I bend down and picked up Ethan. I pepper his face with kisses. Ethan squealed and hugged me. Cameras flashed and snapped. Jace held my trophy as I threw Ethan up in the air with the most brightest look on my face. I had a wide smile as Ethan landed back in my arms, giggling and laughing. Helen was smiling so hard that I'm surprise that her lips didn't split yet. 

"Anastasia?!" Oh....that 'oh so familiar' voice...

I looked up slowly to see a shocked, Dylan, Jordan, and Aiden. Doop... The smile left my face and it was replaced with a scowl. They were standing next to a pair of twins who were both holding onto some girl's hand. She looks to be my age. Behind them were a bunch of people. Do I have to explain to them or what?


Winter: I'm on a roll today! *cheers* I update fast today! Must be from having not too much homework! Anyways! Don't forget to vote and comment away! Bye!

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